Death wish

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When I die,
Make sure that boy knew how much I loved him even when he treated me badly.
Tell my mom I'm sorry for everything and I appreciated her.
Tell my dad I forgive him for everything and I loved him, he was my bestfriend.
Tell my bestfriends I'll miss them all and they can make it without me.
Give her my phone, we know who.
Find my blue diary and get my handwriting tattooed .
Tell my brother I forgive him but he needs to do better, and I love him no matter what.
Tell my stepsister and niece I'll be watching over her and never trust a man, women are better.
Tell my stepdad I love him and appreciated everything he did for me. I cried more when I thought he was leaving then I did when my dad left.
Get me a white and silver casket.
Put me in an outfit I would wear, make me look good, I want lashes and contour.
Let my tattoo show.
Leave my necklace on.
Make sure there are carnations and roses.
Play my favorite songs.
Make sure my life was documented for my family to remember me.
Please tell stories of me, good and bad.
Please tell your kids about me and how I was.
And move on and be happy.
Keep me alive in memories but dont let me hold you back.

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