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A/n: Before you begin reading, this imagine will have 3 parts and it will also be based on ATEEZ's latest kingdom performance because the amount of inspiration I got from their performance is unreal. This will be an "ATEEZ" all member ensemble with Y/n but I don't know, at the end of this chapter their will be a vote of which member Y/n will be with. 

A world once lively and full of beautiful things, the sounds of music and laughter could be heard for miles as you walked through any city. You always looked back on what the world was as if it were a painting of things you would only read about in stories, a life you would never live again, then one day, the world changed, the government wanted control and so did the leaders in every other part of the earth, control of its people. 

Dance, Art, Music, even true love was outlawed, anyone who dressed or acted against the standards set in their city would be imprisoned until their death. It is hard to look back at the world once so beautiful only to see a bland and boring world that seemed to hate anything that wasn't considered normal or at least normal to the leaders.

Underneath the dull city, beneath even the deepest sewers, hid the ones who lived as they pleased, hiding from the ever prying governmental eyes, the same children who were labeled as "missing" only years earlier. It was an injustice really, to hate anyone who went outside of the standards of what was considered normal and these children were going to fight for the right to live as they please.

You were always so joyous, remembering your parents and brother dancing and singing in your home, your best friends lived as they pleased, some danced, other created beautiful music, and others spoke poetic words that seemed to move anyone who listened. That was the beautiful world before it all changed, many ask now, "why did the world change?", some say it was for control while others say it was to keep things from getting out of hand. But to you, they were the exact same thing.

You sat upright in your seat, the back of the van shaking back and forth as you were driven down the almost empty street. Seonghwa sat beside you, his bright red hair freshly dyed as a statement, it was illegal to dye your hair natural colors and everyone who was with you knew that well, but you obviously didn't care considering your own hair was a soft lilac color. Suddenly the van came to stop, shaking everyone inside, the lights darkened within the van and you covered your face with a rather peculiar mask, hiding your identity from anyone, the others with you did the same, covering their faces the second the van came to a stop.

As if on cue, the back of the van opened up, two security guards stood there, shock written all over their faces but the shock was quickly replaced with fear and pain was two perfectly shot bullets pierced their chests. The two dropped to the ground instantly, and Jongho reloaded the weapon and placed it back down on his lap, you knew that some people were going to get hurt if you did this but you also knew that it would all be better in the end, the only people who would die were the people who fought against you, and those people were really just trying to wipe you out anyway, so to Hongjoong, it didn't really matter.

"Quick! everyone out", Hongjoong yelled.

Everyone complied, Seonghwa held his hand out for you as you stepped out onto the pavement, he didn't let go of your hand until security guards and personnel came running out of the building, you were completely surrounded. Seonghwa quickly handed you to Yunho, who held you away from the chaos, then Seonghwa pulled his mask off, placing it on one of the shaken guards who stared at him as if he were a red-headed monster, a smirk rose on Seonghwa's face before he pressed the mask on the guard's face then suddenly, the other guards dropped to the ground.

San and Wooyoung ran to each guard, pressing a mask on each of their faces, ensuring that they would now have complete control of the leader's people. Hongjoong stood with a proud smile plastered on his face as he looked on at the scene.

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