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She was walking through the park, on her way to the only place she could clear her mind. The cabin. It was getting dark, and the cold wind tore at her hair, but it was actually refreshing. She had stayed on the couch with Rebecca after her fight with Ashton, but it was impossible to think straight when Rebecca kept interrupting her thoughts with questions about Ashton and Michael.

She had texted Sparrow to see if he could meet up, but he hadn’t responded. Then again, she still wasn’t sure if he was Micheal, so she didn’t really know if she should tell him everything.

The doubts left her mind when she entered the cabin. A familiar voice was drifting through the air.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia,

And forget about the stupid little things

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you,

And the memories I never can escape

‘Cause I’m not fine at all…

She had sat down by the time he had stopped singing.

“That’s beautiful,” she whispered after a moment of silence.


He sounded kind of down. She hesitated for a moment before she spoke again.

“So, you did get my text?”

“Huh? No, no, I uhmm… I’ve been here for a while now. Also my phone is broken, so I can’t text anymore.”

“Oh, shit. Well, can’t you buy a new phone?”

“No, I just don’t have the money right now. The holidays are coming, and I want to use what little cash I have to get my little brother and sister some presents.”

“You know, if you want, I could loan you some money?”

“No. I gotta do this myself.”

“If you  say so..”

“Why are you here anyway?”

He didn’t seem as genuinely interested as usual, like he didn’t really care but just wanted to change the subject. She sighed before answering him.

“I have a lot on my mind. Mr. Not An Asshole has gone back to Mr. Asshole.”

“How come?”

Again that flat, dead sounding tone of voice.  She tried to tell herself it was just because he was stressed about his money problems.

“I went to a party last night, and a friend brought me home because apparently Mr. Asshole was feeling me up and stuff. Then he came by this afternoon and tried to make it sound like that friend was all over me, and that he was the one to bring me home.”

“So how do you know who’s telling the truth?”

Finally, a spark of interest in his words.

“Because that friend didn’t know where I lived before I told him last night.”

“But you don’t remember telling him?”

“No, I don’t remember anything. But before you say that that friend might be the liar, he wouldn’t do that. He is really nice. And Mr. Asshole is the one who has been not nice to me for over a year.”

“I thought you guys talked about that?”

“Yeah, but now I feel that was all just a big lie to earn my trust and then fuck me when I’m too drunk to remember.”

“Hm, okay.”

“Plus, further proof that that friend would never lie like that, he asked me out on a date. Like a proper gentleman. So why would he be a perv the night before? It just doesn’t add up!”

“Wait, you guys are going out on a date?”

“Well, yeah. Tomorrow.”

“Oh… Okay. Well, as long as you’re sure he’s the good guy out the two of them…”

He didn’t really sound convinced, but she was too tired to talk about it anymore.

“You know what, I’ll text you tomorrow night how the date went, okay?”

“Can’t. No phone, remember?”


Wait a minute, she thought, Michael doesn’t have a phone either. Could this really mean..

Her thoughts were interrupted by Sparrow shuffling around on the other side of the wall. It sounded like he was standing up.

“Look, sorry, I gotta go, but how about we meet the day after tomorrow. Say 1pm?”


“Good luck,” he called, as she could hear him walking out, “and be careful!”

A/N: Bit of a filler, but I promise next chapter will be lots of interesting developments:D

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