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Shrugging on her coat, she left the party and started walking to the park. She looked on her phone and saw that it was only an hour to midnight, but she really didn't care. She typed out a text while she walked, trying not to slip over the slippery snow still covering everything.

To: Sparrow

Ashton, I know it's you. Could you meet me at the cabin? You were right about Michael.

She hit send, and hoped that he would show up. Suddenly it seemed stupid, why would he come to the cabin at New Years? He hated her again, and he had every right to.

When she entered the cabin, using her phone as a flashlight to see where she was going, she was convinced that she was wasting her time, he hadn't texted back, she should just go by his house tomorrow, and she almost turned around to go home again.

But then she saw a dark shape just outside the missing wall.

He was standing with his back to her, looking up to the sky.

She stood there for a moment, surprised he actually showed up, and thinking what she would say, how she should apologise.

In the end she decided just to wing it, this was the boy she had always been able to tell about her feelings, the only thing that was different now was that she could finally see his face. She turned off the flashlight on her phone, stuffing it in her pocket, and stepped forward.

When she stood right on the edge of the cabin, where the wall had once been, she stopped. He was still looking up, and she wondered if he had heard her approach or not. The moon was bright, and it shone twice, once in the sky, once in it's reflection on the pond.

She took a deep, shaky breath in an attempt to calm her nerves.

"Hey," she said, disturbing the silence.

He turned around, slowly, and looked at her. The moment he made eyecontact, a shock went through her, her heart skipping a beat.


His face betrayed no emotion whatsoever.

"You came. I wasn't sure you would."

"Actually, I was already here."

"Oh. Wait, why? Shouldn't you be celebrating New Years somewhere?"

For the shortest moment, he smiled, but it was a sad little smile.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Yeah, well, I have an excuse. I just dumped Michael, what's yours?"

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Uhmm, well, I guess I just didn't really feel like celebrating. But you dumped him? Seriously?"

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