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The smell of coffee woke her up that Sunday. When she looked at her phone she saw that it was almost 11am. She knew she still had a lot to do school wise, but after a long week of hard work and stress, she had decided that she deserved a day off. Today she would not think of stuff that made her stress levels rise.

She walked into the kitchen in her pyjamas to find Rebecca, her roommate and best friend, was sitting on the counter with a steaming mug in her hands, her auburn hair in a messy bun.

“Morning,” she said, grinning as she pushed a second mug over the counter in Lyanna’s direction. “I knew the smell of coffee would wake you up.”

“Nothing wakes me up like coffee.”

Smiling, Lyanna took a sip of the hot drink, and sighed.

“Whatcha gonna do today?” asked Rebecca, taking a swig from her own mug.

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except maybe watch movies. And maybe go to the park, but that requires getting dressed, so most likely not.”

“Really? No daydreaming at your super-secret hideout?”

Lyanna just laughed, and walked over to the living room, where she installed herself on the couch. Rebecca joined her, taking the blanket from the armrest and draping it across both their legs. When she picked a dead leaf of the blanket , Lyanna was reminded of Sparrow, and the fact that she still hadn’t told Rebecca about him.

“Wow, okay, movies can wait, I have to tell you something! I met this boy!”

“Ohhh la laaaa, is he cute? What’s his name? Do I know him? Because if I don’t, I want to meet him! Tell me everything!”

 “Well, it’s not like that. That’s the whole point. But let me start at the beginning.”

The freckled girl in front of her pretended to zip her lips closed, indicating she would let her finish.

“So last Monday I ran into Ashton again, and somehow he really got on my nerves.”

“Ugh, I really don’t get the deal with that boy. Luke says he’s not that bad, but all I ever hear is that he’s bothering you.”


“Right. I’ll shut up.”

“So Ashton really got on my nerves, so I went to the cabin to blow off some steam. But when I got there, this boy walked in and started talking to me about this girl who pissed him off. And no, I don’t know what he looks like,” she said before Rebecca could interrupt her again. “Because he was in the other room. And we made a deal. It was so easy to talk to each other about our problems that we agreed to make that our thing. We can text when we want to talk, and then we meet up at the cabin. But the best part about it is that it’s sort of anonymous. I have no idea what he looks like, or what his name is, all I know is that it’s super easy to talk to him.”

“It’s also super easy to talk to me...” Rebecca fake pouted.

“I know,” she laughed, “but you’re like my only good friend. And sometimes it’s just nice to get a second opinion you know? Plus, he can objectively look at the situation. He doesn’t know who I am, and I don’t know who he is, so he doesn’t feel obligated to take my side. You on the other hand, are my roommate, and if you don’t take my side, I’ll kick you out!”

Rebecca gasped in surprise, and threw a pillow at Lyanna.

“Hey! No fair! Just cause your daddy bought you this place doesn’t give you the right! I pay rent!”

They both laughed at that, and after they had calmed down, Rebecca sighed.

“But yeah, I guess I know what you mean. He’s someone to vent to. And he can be brutally honest about your stuff, and sometimes you need that.”


“So… if you don’t know his name, and he doesn’t know yours… What do you call each other?”

Lyanna giggled.

“We have nicknames. He chose Sparrow. As in, Captain Jack Sparrow.”

Rebecca burst out in laughter.

“Which, of course makes me Elisabeth Swan. He calls me Miss Swan.”

“He is a fucking idiot! I love him already.”

“This means we’re now going to watch all of the Pirates movies, right?”

“Yes, it does.”

A/N: Okayyy, so, little bit of a filler. Rebecca is Lyanna’s friend and roommate. Luke is probably going to be her boyfriend. More to come, please tell all your friends about this story if you like it! I’m getting a few more reads, but I'm not sure I want to continue if hardly anyonereads it:( Give me feedback, give me comments, give me votes:D Love you all!

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