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She was sitting on the couch with a cup of black coffee in her hands. No fancy lattes now, this time she needed the real stuff. She had woken up around noon, with a terrible hangover. Her head was pounding, and she was still wearing last night’s dress. She couldn’t remember how she got home last night, but the bottle of water and aspirin sitting on her bedside table suggested someone brought her home. But she had no idea who.

She had taken a shower and dressed in some booty shorts and an oversized shirt. Then she had installed herself on the couch with coffee and Netflix, and the plan was to stay like that all day.

She was watching an episode of Friends she had seen five times already when she found herself wondering if maybe it had been Michael who brought her home. She remembered flirting with him all night, but she also remembered not being able to find him anymore. She tried to recall what had happened next, but all she could remember was going to the kitchen to look for him. After that, everything was black. But who else would’ve brought her home? It sure as Hell wasn’t Rebecca or Luke, because they had sneaked off to Luke’s bedroom halfway through the party. Calum was an option, but knowing him, if he’d brought her home he would’ve crashed on the couch. Plus, he wouldn’t have been so sweet as to put aspirin on her bedside table for her to find upon waking up.

The sound of the doorbell startled her. She groaned loudly as she put her coffee down and got off the couch. She expected it to be Rebecca who lost her keys or something, and she opened the door wide.

It was Michael.

“Oh! Uhm, hey, what are you doing here?”

He was smiling shyly, as his eyes darted down to her legs. She was suddenly aware of how short her shorts were. And how extremely hungover she must seem. Which she was of course, but he didn’t have to know that.

“I was just coming to check on you. How are you feeling? You were pretty drunk last night.”

“Uhm, yeah, I guess I was.. Hey, do you know who brought me home?”

“Wait, you don’t remember?”

“No, I don’t remember anything from after I went to the bathroom and lost you.”

Michael didn’t say anything else. He just looked at her, his mouth hanging open ever so slightly.

“Well, anyway, I woke up this morning with a bottle of water and some aspirin on my bedside table, and I never have that just lying around, so someone brought me home. I just don’t know who…”

Slowly, a smile broke on his face.

“Yeah, that was me. How else would I have known where you lived? You told me last night, so I could bring you home, but I’m sure you don’t remember any of that.”

Lyanna slapped her hand to her forehead in embarrassment.

“Shit, no, I don’t remember that. I’m so sorry, I know I’m a really sloppy drunk.”

“That’s okay,” he reassured her, “I was just coming round to check if Ashton had come by.”

“Ashton? No, no he hasn’t, why would he?”

“Uhmm, no reason! Except uhm… he was sort of harassing you last night. When I found you he was all over you, telling me he’d take you home. I didn’t trust the guy, with his hands roaming around your thighs and stuff… I was worried he might take advantage of your drunken state, so I told him I’d take you home. He was really pissed.”

She was speechless for a moment. Would Ashton really do such a thing? But now she thought about it, she still didn’t really know the guy. He’d promised he’d be nice, but he hadn’t really proven it yet. What if he was just pretending, waiting for the moment to… ‘take advantage’ like Michael said?

She shuddered at the thought.

“Wow, okay. Uhmm… Well, he hasn’t come by, but thank you for telling me Michael. And thank you so much for bringing me home.”

“You’re more than welcome.” He smiled at her broadly. “Oh, and uh, this might be a bad time, but like I told you, my phone is broken so… Would you maybe, uhm, like to go out on a date? With me?”

Not expecting that at all, she blushed a deep red. She tried to be as casual as possible.

“Yeah, sure, why not?”

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow? Seven?”

“Yeah okay, sounds good.”

He leaned forward, and gave her a small kiss on the cheek before turning around and walking away. She closed the door quickly, and leaned her back on it, wondering what the hell just had happened.

A/N: Ok, so this was kinda boring I think, but next chapter is gonna be so exciting:D Please vote and comment, it keeps me hella motivated! xx

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