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She was walking out of the library when she spotted him. He was sitting by himself on a bench beside the sidewalk a while out in the street. Of course, she had to walk past him to get home. If she wanted to avoid him, she had to turn 180 degrees and spend half an hour walking instead of just fifteen minutes. And of course, as it was about 8pm, it was getting cold out and she had chosen today to forget her jacket.

So no fucking way she was going to avoid him.

Head up, she told herself, shoulders straight. You can do this. Maybe he won’t say anything. Maybe he’s just going to ignore you.

“Well, look who it is,” he drawled when he noticed her coming his way.


There was almost nobody out anymore, so he couldn’t possibly mean someone else.

She didn’t respond, deciding to just walk by, not even looking at him. However, when she walked past him, he stood up and came to walk beside her.

“Not even saying hi?”

She glanced sideways for a split second. He was tall, and clad in black skinny jeans and a nirvana shirt. His curls were a total mess.

“You’re not worth my time, Ashton.”

He stayed quiet for a moment at that. Hoping against hope that he would just leave her alone, she dared glancing at him again. For a heartbeat, she thought she actually hurt his feelings, but then he smirked. There was no joy in his eyes.

“Aww, that almost hurts, Lyanna. Would I be worth your time if I joined the football team? Would that please the precious Princess?”

“Shut up. I could give less of a shit whether or not you play football. Just leave me alone. And don’t call me Princess.”

It surprised her how much he got on her nerves. It had been a long, stressful day, and he was just the cherry on top. She could feel tears pricking behind her eyes, threatening to spill.

She quickened her pace, clutching her bag with both hands, but with his long legs he could easily keep up with her.

“Oh, I think it suits you. You are just so fucking perfect, you’re almost royalty. A pretty diamond tiara is really all you need to complete your outfit. You already have the stuck up, arrogant attitude.”

She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face him. He seemed a bit shocked that she did, but his face quickly smoothed back into his standard grin. She was no longer on the verge of crying. Now, she was just angry.

“Oh, I am the arrogant one?! What about you? You just think you’re sooo cool with your combat boots and your band shirts, and you’re way  too ‘punk rock’ to be nice to anyone! So why don’t you just take your fucking head, and shove it up your own ass! At least that way, I don’t have to look at you!”

Without waiting for a response, she turned back in the direction of her house, which was luckily only five minutes away by now. She hoped he wouldn’t follow her again, but she refused to run.

Luckily, he didn’t come after her.

However, he did call after her, in a slow, sarcastic drawl. “Oh, right, life in the palace isn’t easy either. Just make sure daddy doesn’t find out you talked to me, Princess, he might not give you that pony after all!”

When she finally walked through her front door, she found that the house was empty. She wanted to talk to her friend and roommate, Rebecca, about what just had happened, but there was a note on the fridge that said she went to stay the night with her boyfriend.

Suddenly, she remembered Sparrow. It was now almost 8:30. That wasn’t too late right?

She didn’t notice she was crying until she saw tears splash onto the screen of her phone as she typed with shaking fingers.

To: Sparrow

Hey, can you meet up? I really need to talk to someone.

It didn’t take him long to respond.

From: Sparrow

Yeah, sure. I'm already there.




A/N: Okayyy so that is Ashton. He is a douchebag. Don’t worry, there’s going to be lots and lots of character development. Also, keep in mind that it’s an AU. The rest of the boys might make and appearance, not sure yet. Let me know what you think?

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