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Lyanna jolted awake the next morning by something heavy landing on her bed. She scrambled into a sitting position, only to find it was Rebecca who had jumped onto her bed, and was now staring at her with the biggest possible grin on her face. Rolling her eyes at the redhead, she let herself fall back onto her mattress.

"Bring me coffee, and I will tell you everything," she mumbled.

Rebecca jumped up and ran to the kitchen as Lyanna yawned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Sunlight was pouring out of a crack in the curtains, and she got up to open them. She was greeted by a world of white outside. It had snowed last night. The sun was reflecting off the white blanket and spilling rainbows everywhere. It was beautiful, and combined with the memory of last night, of kissing Michael, a smile broke on Lyanna's face.

Rebecca came bounding back into the room, as fast as she could without spilling the two coffee mugs she held in her hands. She sat cross legged onto the bed and Lyanna followed her lead, taking one of the mugs from Rebecca's hands.

She could tell that Becca was extremely curious as to what happened last night, and the fact that she hadn't said anything yet only proved that she just wanted Lyanna to talk as soon as possible. Her lips were pressed together, excitement in her eyes as she gestured for Lyanna to talk.

Lyanna took a slow sip of her coffee, just to taunt her.

"Oh, come on!" groaned Rebecca.

"Okay, okay, calm down, I'll tell you!"

Lyanna told her everything. Every tiny little detail, because she knew if Rebecca later found out there was something she hadn't told her, she'd be pissed. She told her about the fancy car, the expensive restaurant and all the little jokes Michael had made throughout the night, and the way he had told her he made the stupid jokes just to see her laugh. She told her about the kiss, and the way his hands had trailed towards her butt, and by then Rebecca was almost bouncing on the bed with joy.

"He likes you! He likes you so much, oh my god, I can't believe how perfect this date sounds! You better watch your back, I might dump Luke and steal Michael away from you!"

"I know, it was amazing. And the best part was that when I panicked, and told him I wanted to take it slow, he was totally fine with that!"

"What? Take it slow? Honey, you need to jump him, tie him down, and make sure he never wants to leave!"

Lyanna laughed at that.

"How the fuck would I do that?"

"Oh, you know, with a little something something," Rebecca answered, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ew, Rebecca! I'm not gonna do that... Yet."


Later that day, I was sitting in the cabin, covered in two sweaters, a coat, a big scarf and a blanket. I was early, and Sparrow wasn't there yet. I brought coffee again, and I had placed one of the steaming cups on the other side of the wall.

I was wondering again who Sparrow might be if he wasn't Michael. It was useless to try and guess though.

After a while I heard footsteps, and ruffling as Sparrow sat down. I felt the overwhelming urge to just jump up and look behind the wall, to finally see the face of this boy who had helped me so much with all my drama.

But I wouldn't betray his trust like that, so I stayed put.

"Thanks for the coffee," he mumbled.

"You're welcome," I chirped back, unable to contain my happy mood.

"So I'm guessing the date went well?"

"Yes! Yes, it really did! He was amazing, he took me out to this really fancy French restaurant and we kissed and everything! I'm like overflowing with adrenaline right now. I woke up this morning with the biggest smile on my face, and I really think this might be something!"

"Sounds great," he said.

It was obvious that he was trying to sound happy for me, but it came out sounding really sarcastic. I'm guessing he heard it too, because he sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to bring you down, but I—"

"No, no, that's okay," I interrupted him. "You obviously have other things on your mind. How are things money wise right now?"

"Uhm, well, crap, of course, but a little less worse crap than before. A distant relative of mine just passed away, and I might actually get some money from that, and I'm hoping it's enough to pay for school stuff."

"Oh, that's great! Not so great about the relative dying of course, I'm sorry, but it's nice that you might get some financial stability out of that."

"Yeah, exactly. But hey, uhm... I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to say this, but I've been thinking about it for a while now, so I'm just gonna say it. I— I don't think I can meet you anymore. I'm sorry."

My heart froze for a moment while my brain was trying to process what he was saying.

"Wait, what? Why not?"

My voice broke, and I could feel tears stinging at the back of my eyes. I wasn't sure why this hurt me so much, but I couldn't help but wonder if I had done something wrong.

"I'm sorry, but I think I'm just too caught up in this thing, and I— I don't know, I have so much shit going on, and I just can't have this added to that mess."

"Are you saying I'm a burden?"

I was trying to sound angry, but my voice came out small and it sounded exactly like I felt. Like I was about to cry.

"No, no, what I'm saying is that— oh fuck, I don't know, this sounds very cliché and I'm sorry, but it's me, not you! I just have so much on my mind, and ever since I started talking to you I'm also worrying about you a lot, and I—"

"Why would you worry about me? I hardly see Mr. Asshole anymore, he stays out of my shit now, and I'm dating a wonderful guy! I thought I was here to listen to you too, so you can talk about the stuff that worries you!"

"I'm sorry, I really am, but I just can't do this."

I heard shuffling at the other side of the wall, and I realised he was leaving.

"Wait! Sparrow, you can't do this! You can't just say you don't want to talk to me anymore and then just leave! I thought we were friends!"

"I'm sorry, Lyanna!"

He already sounded farther away, and I hurried to stand up, but the blanket was wrapped around me too tightly, and I almost fell on my face.

By the time I ran to the other side of the wall, he was long gone, and tears were freely streaming down my face.

And then it hit me.

How did he know my name?


A/N: Hi guys! You can also now read this story on my tumblr, mukeisthemeaningoflife, I also have blurbs and text edits on there, and you can request!

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