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Finally the first period exams were over. She had survived. She had studied her ass off, and the exams had been pretty difficult, but now she was done. The cold wind bit at her face and reminded her of the fact that winter was right around the corner.

She was going to meet up with Sparrow. Somehow, that excited her more than usual. She wasn’t completely sure that he was Michael, but the thought that he could be was creating butterflies in her stomach. She remembered the way he had kissed her hand, like a true gentleman, and she could feel her smile getting bigger.

No more exams for now, Ashton was finally being nice, and the guy she trusted so much might be incredibly hot as well. Things couldn’t be better.

She decided to stop on the way to the park to get some coffee. She got herself a fancy caramel latte with whipped cream to match her mood, and a simple cappuccino for Sparrow. She wasn’t sure if he would like a sweet twist to his coffee.

When she walked into the cabin she called out to him, knowing that he was already there.

“Hi, Sparrow, sorry I’m late! I stopped to get coffee on my way here!”

She plopped down in her usual spot, careful not to spill the coffee, and put the cappuccino in his sight. She watched as he reached out to grab the cup, his usual black woven bracelet around his wrist. Of course, she couldn’t just assume that he was Michael because of some bracelet. Anyone could wear a black bracelet. But it made the butterflies in her stomach spring to life again.

To her surprise, she could hear a sigh coming from the other side off the wall. She had been so happy, that she hadn’t even considered the possibility that Sparrow might not be.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Thanks for the coffee.”

“Don’t lie to me, Sparrow.”

Again, he sighed. It was silent for a while before he answered. She could imagine him raking his hands through his bright red hair, trying to find the right words.

“You always buy us coffee. You don’t even think about it. But I wish I could buy us coffee for once. But I can’t afford it anymore. In fact, I can’t afford it at all, the only coffee I ever drink anymore is the coffee you buy me.”

“I had no idea it was that bad.”

“Yeah, well, it is. I’m trying to find a part time job now, but nobody will hire me. They all say they can’t hire someone who can work so little hours in a week. But I can’t work more, because then I won’t be able to keep my grades up.”

“I wish I could help you.”

“No, it’s okay. I have to figure this out on my own. It’ll be rough, but I’ll make it. It’s not that I’m all out of money, I just have to be more careful how I spend it. I bought Rich Girl some coffee and sandwiches the other day, but it means that I have to eat two-minute noodles for a week.”

“I could give you some money if you want me to? My parents are kinda rich as well, I —”

“No! No, I don’t want you to do that. I’m fine, I promise. I actually like noodles.”

She could hear that he was trying to make a joke out of it, but she was still worried about him. But she decided to drop it. For now.

“If you say so. But you bought Rich Girl coffee? Why? Tell me everything!”

He chuckled lightly before speaking.

“Well, you did tell me to apologise, so that’s what I did. I tried my very best to make her see that I meant it, and she said she forgave me if I promised I would never hurt her again.”

“See? I told you she would!” She laughed loudly, her happy mood back again. “You know, Mr. Asshole also apologised to me! It was weird though, I went to apologise first, for yelling at him that time, remember? But he told me I have nothing to apologise for! He was actually really nice. Things seem to be going a lot better for me lately.”

“Good for you. Nice to hear that Mr. Asshole might not be that much of an asshole.”

“Yeah. We’ll have to rename him.”

“Mr. Not That Much Of An Asshole?”

She laughed at that, and she could hear Sparrow chuckle at his own joke.

“Honestly, I’m really happy today. My first period exams are over, Mr. Not An Asshole apologised to me and promised to be nice, and I also met a really cute boy.”

She slapped her hand over her mouth, but it was too late. The words had already slipped out. She waited for Sparrow to say something, and when he did, she thought she could hear a hint of bitterness in his tone.

“Really? Tell me about him.”

She hesitated for a moment. She decided she would be vague. She still wasn’t sure if Michael and Sparrow were the same person.

“Well, I met him at the library. We only spoke for a moment, but he was really nice. And somehow, I feel like I know him already.”

“Hmm. Sounds good.”

Lyanna wished she hadn’t said anything. He sounded a little pissed off, but he was obviously trying to hide it. She hurried to cover up her own words.

“Well, anyway, it doesn’t really matter. It’s not like were dating now or something. We only met very briefly. Who knows, I might never see that guy again.”

But silently, she was hoping she would see the red haired boy again soon. And she also wished that Michael and Sparrow were the same red haired boy.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for getting me past 400 reads! I love you guys! Also, I got a writers program for Christmas, which is really helping me plan this story. Right now, it looks like this story is going to be at least 20 chapters long. And please please please comment! It always helps to get tips! Xx

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