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It was New Years Eve, and Lyanna was standing in the middle of a party she didn't really want to attend. It was huge, with people getting drunk all around her. She couldn't really bring herself to join them. Ever since she'd talked to Ashton in the park, she felt cold, like the snow that had fallen that day was still sticking to her skin.

That's why she was wearing a simple but warm outfit tonight, just black jeans, and a oversized black sweater. No skirts, high heels and bare legs for her tonight, though she admired the girls around her who were willing to face potential hypothermia for the sake of fashion.

She had seen the disappointment on Michael's face when he came to pick her up for this party. He had asked her if he was early, and if she still needed time to change. When she said she was going like that, she saw his eyes cloud over like they did so briefly every time she did something he didn't like.

Immediately after he had put on a smile for her, but she no longer brushed it off, not after Ashton's words.

Just then, Michael came over to her, carrying two red cups and handing one to her.

"Here, hunnybun, I mixed you a drink," he said, not noticing her wince at the nickname.

She smiled at him though, trying to get past the horrible ice in her chest, trying to make this night fun. Michael had done nothing wrong, and Ashton had done nothing to earn her trust. She shouldn't let him ruin her New Years.

She took a sip of the drink, gagging when she noticed how incredibly strong it was.

"You mixed this? This is nearly straight vodka! What did you mix it with, one drop of coke?"

Michael just laughed at her.

"Come on, I'm just trying to get you to loosen up a bit. You're a drink behind, you know."

"Are you trying to get me drunk?"

"No, of course not! I would never, hunnybun, but maybe we should get a little tipsy together? So we can have some fun later tonight, if you know what I mean."

He whispered the last part in her ear, and suddenly his hand on her waist felt strange and intrusive. Luckily they were interrupted before she could respond.

"Mikey!" screamed a girl with long blonde hair, jumping up to hug him.

"Oh, hey, Jessica," he answered, returning her hug one-armed.

She was really pretty, Lyanna noticed. She was one of the girls who dared to face the weather head on in her short dress. She introduced herself to Lyanna, and then quickly returned her attention back to Michael, flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

As she did, Lyanna caught a glimpse of something shiny around her neck. It was a necklace, with a silver bunny on it.

Bile rose in her throat, and just when she thought the ice in her heart would shatter, the exact opposite happened. It was like all her fear and doubt turned into anger, heating her up from the inside, melting away the ice.

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