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Previously on Justice League...

'The Devil' turned out not to be one person but three - Eobard Thawne, Damien Dhark & Reign. In order to protect her sister, Nora was manipulated by Thawne into turning on her friends and joining their side. Reign beat Kara into a coma again, however Kara was able to recover rather quickly. Winn told Mon-el about what Kara experienced during the Earth-X invasion. Barry was found and brought home. Barry found out about Iris' death.Barry was in good health condition, he spoke to Kara and reassured her that everything that has happened is not her fault. Dawn told her father that the chemistry/feelings between him and Kara is obvious to everyone. Barry managed to turn Nora back to their side. Thawne, Dark and Reign all went underground after loosing Nora. Caitlin and Kara found out that Kara was pregnant!

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