Chapter One

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A normal day. Kara receives a letter.

3 weeks later, the entire group have settled into a normal routine, Barry, Nora and Dawn are up bright and early having breakfast, before they drop Dawn off at school and the father-daughter duo head into work. Kara is up at sunrise going out to do her morning patrol, when she returns to the loft Mon-el is up and making breakfast, once both are changed and breakfast is eaten they both head into work, Kara heading to Catco and Mon-el heading to the bar. William and Mia meet up at Smoak Tech offices every morning before they head into their daily meetings, Caitlin, Winn and Cisco all working in the lab and watching the monitors.

At lunch time they all head into the Justice Hall, to catch up with each other and sort out the night plan. This particular night was training night, which meant all of them are in today. After lunch they all headed back into work before they finished for the day.

That afternoon, Kara had received a text message off of Barry asking her to pick Dawn up from school and bring her to the hall with her, so of course Kara agreed. Kara picked Dawn up from school and they stopped at hers and Mon-el's loft to grab something. As they walked into the loft, Kara ran to the bathroom, while Dawn waited in the kitchen. Dawn took notice of an envelope on the table she picked it up and it was dressed to 'Supergirl' so she held it in her hand until Kara came back out of the bathroom. When Kara came out of the bathroom, Dawn turned to face her

D-"Auntie Kara?"

K-"Yes Dawn?"

D-"This was on the table for you, it's adressed to Supergirl."

Kara walked over to Dawn and took the letter out of her hand,

K-"Thank you."

Kara took the envelope from Dawn and opened it, once she read what the letter said her face paled and her eyes filed with tears.

D-"Auntie Kara, what's wrong?"


Kara pulled out a chair and sat on it as tears ran down her face, Dawn's eyes followed Kara's actions as Kara was now eye level with Dawn.

K-"What I'm about to tell you only Auntie Caitlin knows, so we have to keep it a secret."


K-"I'm pregnant."


Dawn begins to smile with excitement while listening to Kara,

K-"Yes, but you can't tell anyone and this letter is from Reign."

D-"What did she say?"

K-"I'm going to need to go away soon."

D-"For how long?"

K-"Only until the baby is born then I'm hoping to come back."

D-"But I don't want you to go."

K-"I know but you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?"


K-"Now let's get to the hall."

Kara stands up, tucks her chair in and grabs her things, Dawn behind her before they head off to the Justice Hall.

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