Chapter Eleven

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Kara and Barry talk.


Cisco, William, Winn, Mia, Nora and Dawn were all sat in the command centre watching the security footage of Barry sat in his cell. For the past week every single one of them had gone in and tried to get him to open up but he would only say one word and one word only - "Kara." After six days the group had had enough and they made the decision to call Kara and Caitlin back from Midvale and that is who they were waiting for now. They were sat in their respective seats when they heard the hall doors open and the two sets of heels walking along the concrete. They all stand up as Kara and Caitlin came into view, Kara carrying a car seat with a sleeping Alura in, while Caitlin was carrying the changing bag.

N-"You're here."

Dawn ran up to Kara to give her a hug as she placed the car seat the table.

K-"I'm here."

D-"Hi Alura."

Alura was peacefully sleeping in her car seat as everyone else welcomed the pair back,

M-"Are you okay?"

K-"I'm fine. What happened here?"

CI-"We caught Barry a week ago, but he refuses to talk to any of us. When he does talk he only says on thing."

WINN-"Your name."

Kara sighs before looking at the monitor, watching Barry stare at the wall of the room. She looks at her daughter before speaking,

K-"Okay, can you guys watch Alura?"

M-"Of course."

CI-"The meta dampeners are on so, he doesn't have his powers."

Kara nodded before kissing her daughter on the head and leaving the command centre and walking towards Barry's room. The rest of the group watched on the monitors.

When Kara entered the room, Barry looked from where he was staring and he just watched her as she shuts the door behind her and sits in the chair opposite him.

K-"Okay. You wanted to talk to me, here I am. Let's talk."

B-"You look good."

K-"Thanks, but that's not how this is going to work. You see Barry this isn't you. This cold, dark, evil monster isn't you. Where's Barry Allen? The Barry Allen who has one of the biggest hearts in the multiverse. The Barry Allen who has two beautiful daughters, who has friends and family who love him and want him back."


K-"Gone? What do you mean gone?"

B-"He had nothing left to fight for."

K-"Nothing left fight for? Barry you have two beautiful daughters out their. They are smart, they are beautiful, their funny. The very best of you and Iris is in those two girls. You have Cisco, Caitlin and Winn. You are an uncle to William and Mia, we made a promise to Oliver and Felicity that we would protect them. This isn't protecting them. This is running and hiding. You have Joe and Cecile and Wally and Jenna but most of all you have me."

Barry looks at Kara as her eyes begin to fill with tears.

K-"Barry, you have me. If all of that isn't enough to get you to fight and to keep living then do it for me. I made you a promise when you left with Thawne, I promised you I would protect Nora, Dawn and Iris. I'm sorry I could't protect Iris, I really am. You know I live with the guilt everyday, that I was going about my life just as it was a normal day having no idea that Iris was struggling and dying. I ask myself everyday, 'What if Iris had said something? What if I had spotted the signs?' Because I look back on it now and I realise that the signs were their, we just didn't pick up on them and I'm so sorry that we didn't. I'm sorry that Iris didn't tell us. You know - when me and Mia walked in on Nora sobbing on the bathroom floor clutching her body it felt like someone had ripped my hear out of my chest. Then when Dawn screamed, it vibrated in my body, the sheer terror and anguish that came out of her felt like someone had crushed my heart. Then you came back and it felt like a weight had been taken off my shoulder. My super friend was back. Maybe we could go back to some normality. Then you killed Mon-el."

Their was a silence as Kara took a breathe to try and control her tears

K-"You were aiming for me, if Mon-el didn't push me out of the way, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Barry, you and me, we have both lost a lot in our lives. We are more similar than we think. This monster that you've become isn't you. It its't the Barry I love."

Barry looked up at Kara with tears in his eyes,


Kara is about to answer when the door opens and Nora walks in with Alura in her arms, who was crying.

N-"I'm sorry to interrupt but Allie wants her mommy."

Kara quickly dries her tears and stands up walking to the door, she takes Alura in her arms, the baby instantly calming down. Kara turns to Barry

K-"I'll be back."

Kara walks out of the room with Alura, Nora gives her dad a look before following her aunt and shutting the door.

They walk back into the command centre where the group were waiting for them, their is a stunned silence at the revelations that had just come to light,

K-"I'm not done."

D-"Do you think that you're getting through to him?"

K-"I hope so, otherwise I'm out of ideas."

The group remain in a comfortable silence while Kara rocks Alura back to sleep. 

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