Chapter Fourteen

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The final battle and Superflash served on a silver platter.

Kara landed in the desert with Mia, Barry stopped next to her with Caitlin and Nora was the last to arrive. The five stood opposite Thawne, Reign and Damien.

T-"The gang are back together again."

D-"I think I prefer this group to the old group."

R-"Yes, it seems like you lot are going to be easier to beat. How is your daughter, Supergirl?"

K-"She's fine. Healthy and happy, like all of us."

T-"Oh yes, does that mean you two have finally confessed your feeling for each other?"

Kara and Barry look at each other confused before turning back to their enemies,

B-"What are you talking about?"

T-"Oh, come one we're not blind. We could see the chemistry from you two when we first met. I saw the look I Kara's eyes when I took you away, I saw how she looked whenever you were mentioned. She loves you, but the question is do you love her? I mean if killing the father of her child was your way of showing her your love for her then good luck."

B-"Shut up Thawne!"

T-"Oh." Thawne laughed at Barrys reaction, "I've hit a nerve."

D-"Talking about hitting nerves, how are you Mia? I'm still waiting for my thank you."

M-"Thank you for what?"

D-"Your visit with your parents."

M-"You want a thank you? You made me choose between my dead parents, my dead fiancé and my dead child in my ideal life and my friends and family here. You're lucky you're still breathing."

D-"Oh, careful Mia, you're father is coming out of you."

Mia clenched her bow, before taking a deep breathe.

N-"We are here to end this once and for all."

R-"I couldn't agree more."

Supergirl and Reign flew into the air, Mia and Caitlin charged at Damien while Nora and Barry chased after Thawne. If flashes of lightning, blurs of black, blue and red. Caitlin and Mia were fighting Damien, he had cornered Mia, allowing Caitlin to freeze his feet to the floor giving Mia enough time to stab him with a tranquilliser dart. He soon fell to the floor allowing Caitlin and Mia to catch their breathe. Their was a loud crash as Kara and Reign came plummeting to the ground. Nora and Barry were chasing Thawne when Nora had an idea,

N-"Dad! You go and help Kara, I've got Thawne."

Barry nodded his head and turned around rushing to Kara who had been pinned on the floor by Reign.

K-"Barry, you have to do it."

B-"But I can't get a clear shot, I don't want to hurt you."

K-"You won't, I trust you. Now do it."

Barry sped up behind Reign, taking the kryptonite knife out of its sheath and stabbing Reign in the back. He severed her spinal cord and punctured her heart. Within a single second Reign collapsed on top of Kara. Kara pushed her off of herself and took Barry's hand as he helped her up. They turned around to find Caitlin and Mia joining them.

M-'Dhark is knocked out ready for transportation."

K-"Okay, where's Nora?"

Their was a flash of purple and yellow lightening and Nora appeared next to Kara,

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