Chapter Two

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What's wrong with Mia?

Kara and Dawn rushed into the hall to meet the rest of the group, Winn was the first to take notice of Kara's face

WINN-"Hey, what's wrong?"

This got everybody else's attention so Mon-el came over to Kara in concern.


MO-"You look really pale."

K-"I'm fine, Caitlin can I speak with you please?"

Caitlin nodded and led Kara into the medbay and shut the door as the rest of the group just watched,

CA-"What's wrong?"

K-"When me and Dawn got to my loft, Dawn found this on the table."

Kara pulled the letter out of her pocket and handed it to Caitlin, Caitlin read the letter before looking at Kara

CA-'What are we gonna do?'

K-"I don't know, I told Dawn she couldn't tell anyone, but that also means we can't tell anyone. I think I'm gonna have to go away to have the baby."


K-"I don't know, but we're gonna have to figure it out."

Caitlin sighs and is about to reply when an alarm blares and both ladies rush into the command centre.

K-"What's wrong?"

CI-"One of the alarms has been set off but I can't see why."

CA-"I don't think we all need to go."

B-"Caitlin's right, how about Mia and Kara just go and if they need backup we can go and help them."

M-"Fine by me."

Kara and Mia rush off to suit up before flying out to the sipping docks. It's eerily quiet and something is off.

K-"Let's split up. Stay on comms."


They both headed in opposite directions looking for any clue as to what set the alarm off.

K-"Guys, is their anything on the monitors?"

WI-"Nothing, the only thing we've got is you two."

M-"Something's off."

Mia hears a sound behind her and as she turns around she drops her bow and collapses to the floor.

M-"Guys, I can't move."

K-"I'm on my way."

Within seconds Kara was by Mia's side, Kara used her x-ray vision to check Mia's skeleton.

K-"You don't have any broken bones, but we are gonna get you back to the hall."

M-"I can't move my legs."


K-"Guys, we need emergency med evac."

WI-"Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Nora are all on their way in a STAR Labs van."

K-"Mia, hey look at me."

Mia looked at Kara with tears running down her face as Kara held her hand.

M-"Why can't I move my legs?"

K-"I'm not sure, but we're gonna figure it out okay."

M-"Can you tell me about the first time you met Mom and Dad?"

K-"Well, Uncle Barry came and got me one Thanksgiving to help with the Dominator invasion. When I arrived in the hanger which is now the Justice Hall, I met your dad, Uncle Dig, Aunt Thea, Aunt Sara, Uncle Jax, Uncle Mick, Uncle Ray, Professor Stein, HR, Aunt Iris and your mom. You dad didn't like me very much when he first met me, he didn't like working with the unknown."

M-"That sounds like dad."

K-"Yeah, but he apologised after I saved him from falling to his death."

M-"Dad? Apologising?"

K-"I know it shocked Barry as well."

Mia smiled slightly before the smile disappeared

M-"Aunt Kara?'


M-"Am I gonna be paralysed?"

K-"No. We're gonna figure out what's wrong with I promise."


Just then the van pulled up, Caitlin, Barry, Nora and Cisco all jumped out all of them carrying different medical equipment.

CA-"What's wrong?"

K-"She can't move her legs, I've checked and their's no broken bones."

CA-"Okay, let's get her back to the hall."

CI-"The hall? She needs a hospital."

B-"Cisco have you see what she's wearing?"

Barry pointed at the suit Mia was wearing and a look of realisation came across Cisco's face. Caitlin was drawing up a sedative while Barry was getting an oxygen mask ready, Nora was getting a back board ready while Cisco ran to get the gurney.

K-"Mia? Caitlin's gonna give you a sedative so we can transport you back to the hall, so I need you to count back from 10."

M-"I don't want you to go anywhere."

K-"I'm not, none of us are now from 10."


Kara nods to Caitlin who administers the sedative,


Before she gets to one Mia's eyes close, Caitlin checks her heart rate as Nora puts an oxygen mask on her.

CA-"Heart rates good, let's get out of here."

They manoeuvre Mia onto the gurney and wheel her into the van, Kara and Caitlin sit in the back while Cisco drives with Nora and Barry in the passenger seats. Once they get back to the hall they rush Mia into the med bay.

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