Chapter Four

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John, William and Kara go into Mia's dream world.

The group were all gathered in the medbay watching as Constantine done his magical checks on Mia. Afters a few moments he finished the spell he was casting and turned to the group,

J-"As far as I can tell, Dhark has placed her in a dreamworld. What that dreamworld is I don't know, but what I do know is that the longer she's inside the more difficult it's going to be to pull her to of it."

WINN-"That sounds like the Black Mercy."

B-"The what?"

K-"In my first year as Supergirl, my uncle released a plant called Black Mercy onto me, it placed me in my ideal dreamworld. The longer I was in it the more real it became. Alex had to be sent in to pull me out."

CA-"What was in your dream?"

K-"My parents."

CI-"So we have to go into Mia's mind and pull her out of what ever dreamworld she's in."

J-"Yeah, so who's coming with me?"

The group remained silent for a few moments all of them looking at each other before William spoke up,

W-"I'll go in with you."

J-"Are you sure, I don't know what it's going to be like in their."

W-"I'm sure. She's my sister, I'm not losing her as well."

J-"Okay, anyone else?"

K-"I'll come. It will be good for the two of you to have back up."

J-"Okay. Let's..."

John is cut off by an alarm blaring throughout the hall. The entire group run to the command centre as Winn, William and Cisco run to check the computers.

D-"What's going on?"

WINN-"It's Reign. She's causing an eclipse."


CI-"Yeah, we are gonna need to hurry if we want to get Mia out in time."

K-"Okay, John set up everything we're gonna need, we're getting Mia out."

John nodded and walked back to the medbay, Caitlin pulled Kara aside and led her to the training room while Barry, Mon-el,Nora and Dawn watched from afar. Once inside the training room Caitlin expressed her concerns.

CA-"Kara, with this eclipse I don't know how long your powers are going to last. Plus we don't know if you'll have your powers in Mia's dream."

K-"I know but what other option have we got, When I'm in Mia's dream, keep the sunlamps on me that should counteract the eclipse's effect."

CA-"Okay, just be careful and remember it's not just you anymore."

K-"I know."

Both ladies left the training room, heading back to the medbay where Barry, Mon-el, Dawn, Nora, John and William were waiting. John, William and Kara took their places on the beds next to Mia, Caitlin set up the sunlamps for Kara and turned them on.



W-"Let's go get my sister back."

N-"Good luck."

Kara, William and John smiled at Nora before John said a spell that took them into Mia's dream. When they woke up they found themselves in a field,

J-"Where are we?"

W-"I don't know."

Kara used her super-hearing to here the sound of the city, she opened her eyes and pointed in the direction

K-"The city's that way."

J-"Lead the way."

Kara started walking in the direction with John and William behind her. When they reached the city entrance they realised where they were.

W-"This is Star City."

J-"Why would Mia be here?"

K-"Because it's her ideal life and if I'm right we're gonna see some familiar faces."

Kara led them further into the city and to Oliver and Felicty's old apartment, they knocked on the door and sure enough Mia opened the door.

M-"Kara, William, John! What a surprise, come on in,"

Mia stepped aside and let them in and when they stepped into the apartment, their jaw's dropped. Kara was right they did see some familiar faces.

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