Chapter Five

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Kara, John and William meet some familiar faces in Mia's dream. Barry and Mon-el question Caitlin about the secret she and Kara are keeping. Barry and Mon-el talk about the Earth-X invasion.

As they walked into the the apartment they saw James, Oliver and Felicity all chatting animatedly on the couches. Kara, John and William all walked into the apartment, the three faces turned to them as Mia closed the door behind them. Felicity and Oliver's eyes lit up at their son's arrival. Felicity was immediately out of her seat, Oliver not far behind her.

F-"William, you finally made it."

W-"Of course mom."

Felicity gives William a big hug before moving out of the way to allow the father and son to hug.

O-"Nice to see you, you too John and Kara."

K-"It's nice to see you too, but I'm afraid we can't stay long. Mia-"

Kara is cut off by a baby crying and James is walking back into the room, which a young baby in his arms.

JA-"Laurel wants her mommy."

Mia smiles as James hands her their daughter, the rest of the room smiles before Kara looks at William and John with concern, getting Mia out had just become so much harder.


Everyone was scattered around the Justice Hall, except Caitlin, Barry and Mon-el. The three of them were watching the monitors as the four members of their team lay unconscious.



M-"What's going on with Kara?"

C-"What do you mean?"

M-"You and her are always going to have secret conversations, and talking in private."

C-"Kara just asked me to check something for her, nothing to worry about."

Mon-el nodded his head before turning back to the monitors, Barry took a deep breathe before he turned to Caitlin.

B-"Can I talk to you?"

Caitlin nods and allows Barry to lead her outside the medbay.

C-"What's wrong?"

B-"Okay, what are you and Kara hiding?"

C-" Barry, we're not hiding anything. Kara just asked me to check something for her."


Caitlin sighed, knowing that Barry wasn't going to let it go.

C-"Look their is something but Kara has made me promise not to tell anyone, I'm sorry Barry. Kara will tell you when she's ready. But talking about secrets, when are you going to tell her yours?"

Barry laughed shallowly,

B-"What secret?"

C-"Oh, don't play dumb with me Barry Allen. You like Kara. You have to tell her."

B-"No Cait, just no."

C-"Fine, tell her when you're ready but just don't wait as long as you did with Iris."

Caitlin tapped him on the shoulder before leaving to find Cisco and Barry re-entered the medbay.


Kara, John and William finally snapped out of their shock and regained their composure. 

K-"Mia, we need to tell you something."


K-"None of this is real. Damien Dhark has put you in a magical coma, John and brought me and William in here to get you out. Mia please."

M-"No, no, no. You're lying."

W-"Mia, as much as you and I both want this to be real it's not. Mom, dad and James are all dead. You miscarried Laurel the morning after your engagement party."

Mia began to cry but everyone's attention was drawn to Kara who had become increasingly pale and began to gag. Everyone looked at her worried as he collapsed to the floor, John supporting as she fell and she began to cough up blood.

W-"Aunt Kara!"

F-"What's happening to her?"

W-"It's Reign, she's causing an eclipse in our world and it's killing Kara. We need to get back to stop it."

JO-"William's right, love. I need to get you out of here"

K-"No. If we are getting out of here it's with Mia. Mia please."

Mia looked at everyone in the room with tears running down her face as she made her decisions.


Barry and Mon-el were stood in the med bay watching the monitors. Barry noticed Mon-el was more restless than normal.

B-"What's wrong?"

M-"It's just Winn was telling me about how Kara has never spoken about her experience at your wedding."


M-"Yeah, I'm worried that it's causing her a lot of harm."

B-"I've known Kara for years and what I know is that she's strong. She won't let anything keep her down. She also doesn't like others to worry. About her, she won't burden anyone else with her problems."

M-"I know. Do you know what happened to her in that lab?"

B-"Well I know what Iris told me from what she knew, but it's not all of it."

Mon-el nodded before Barry spoke again

B-"Look, I know that Kara will talk about it when she's ready. But remember don't push her."

M-"I won't thanks Barry."

B-"No problem."


W-"Mia please."

Kara started to cough more violently again with more blood coming from her mouth, John was holding her up as she was struggling to talk.

JO-"I'm sorry to rush you love but we have an alien who's dying. We need to get out of here."

Mia nodded and turned to her parents and James before handing Laurel over to James.

M-"I love you all but I'm needed elsewhere."

James approached her first and gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

JA-"I love you."

Mia moved to her mom next, giving her a big hug.

F-"I love you my star."

M-"I love you too mom."

Mia then moved to her dad, while William hugged Felicity.

M-"I love you dad."

O-"I love you too Mia. Remember we're always with you."

As Mia released her dad to allow her brother to hug hime before walking over to John and Kara.

JO-"William you're gonna gave hold Kara, I need both hands to get us out of here."

William nodded as John moved Kara over to William, Kara was practically drifting in and out off consciousness. Mia stood in-between the boys, holding John's left had, and holding William's right as Kara was balanced on William's left arm.

John spoke a spell and waved his hand before they four disappeared.

When they woke up they were all sitting up in the med bay as Barry and Mon-el helped the four of them sit up as Caitlin, Cisco, Winn, Nor and Dawn all rushed into the med bay.

D-"You're awake!"

Dawn rushed up to the four giving them all a hug.

CI-"Are you all okay?"

M-"Yeah we're fine."

Justice League: Family ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora