Chapter Twelve

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Kara and Barry finish their talk.

Once Alura had settled back down Kara re-entered the room, Barry was still sat in the same position she had left him in. She retook her place in the chair opposite him. Barry lifted his head to look at Kara

B-"So you love me."

Kara looked at him, her eyes still red and the tear tracks still visible

K-"Of course I do. Barry I've loved you since I met you. I buried those feelings when you told me about Iris. Barry, I backed off because you literally told me that Iris was your 'lightening rod'. Barry I've loved you for years. But this isn't the Barry I love."

Barry stands up and walks to the other side of the room,

B-"Well you should forget him, he's not coming back."

K-"I can't! Barry don't you get it?" Kara stood up and took a few steps forward, but Barry still had is back to her. "Barry, I can't forget about you, I haven't been able to for years. Do you want to know why Caitlin, Dawn and I were the only ones who knew I was pregnant?"


K-"Because Reign sent me a letter, she threatened to kill you and everyone I love if I told anyone I was pregnant. So I kept it a secret and Barry you have no idea how desperate I was to tell you all."

B-"Why didn't you tell Mon-el, he's her father?"

K-"Gideon informed me that Mon-el would never get to see his child born, he was going to die while I was pregnant. We made the decision not to tell him because we knew that if he knew he would never have left my side and who knows what catastrophic events it would have caused to the timeline."

Barry turns around to face Kara

B-"You went into Mia's mind while you were pregnant and when Reign was causing the eclipse. You put yourself in danger!"

K-"Of course I did, a member of our team, no our family was in danger. I done what I hope any one of you would do for me. I never told you what Overgirl asked me while I was held captive, did I?"


K-"She taunted me about my 'broken heart' and at the time I thought she was on about Mon-el but I later realised she was on about you. She asked 'Why do you care if I take your heart? You're not using it.' And she was right I wasn't using it, I had closed my heart off."

B-"But you loved Mon-el."

K-"Yes I did." Kara steps towards Barry but he steps back, his back hitting the wall "I did love Mon-el but it has never been with the same amount of love that I have for you. Barry, please come back."

B-"How Kara? How can I come back after all that I've done? I killed Mon-el!"

K-"Yes, yes you did." Kara steps towards Barry looking him straight in the eyes "And other people may not forgive you for your actions, but I do. I do forgive you, because I know that that wasn't my Barry."

Barry's eyes begin to spill the tears that he has been holding in as he sinks to the floor Kara following him,

B-"It hurts Kara. I've lost so much, I don't want to loose anyone else."

K-"You won't. Look at me."

Barry lifts his face to look at Kara's face which has tears running down her cheeks,

K-"You won't loose me, I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

Kara gives him a small smile that he returns before he sobs and she gathers him in her arms. They sit their for what feels like forever, in a content silence, Kara sitting with her back against the wall, Barry lying on the ground with his head in her lap, while her fingers play with his hair.

B-"Where did you go?"


Kara looks down at Barry as he looks up at her,

B-"When you left after Mon-el's funeral? Where did you go?"

K-"I went to Midvale, Alex joined me. Caitlin joined us a few months later."

B-"Why Midvale?"

K-"It was where I grew up, it was the first place that felt like home. Also I wanted to get away from the busy cities and enjoy the peace and quiet."

Barry nodded his head and they returned to the silence.

K-"Wait? How did you know that?"

B-"Well, I had Gideon inform me of what was going on in the Hall, plus I'm her creator so she has to obey my commands."

Kara smiles and laughs lightly as Barry smiles back at her.

K-"Very clever Mr Allen."

They return to the silence again before Kara sighs and speaks again.

K-"Okay, come on."

Kara forces Barry to sit up and she stands up before pulling Barry up.

B-"Where are we going?"

K-"Well, one, there's people waiting to welcome you back, two, don't you want to meet Alura?"

Barry nodded his head

K-"And three, I'm hungry."

Barry laughed as he grabbed Kara's hand and let her lead him out of the hall. 

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