Chapter Eight

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Aftermath of Mon-el's death. Kara leaves!

A week later Kara, Caitlin, Mia, Nora, Dawn, Cisco, William and Winn were all gathered in the Justice Hall. All of them dressed in black ensembles, all of them looking somber and tired. They had all just returned from Mon-el's funeral and wake. The past week hadn't been easy for any of them. Kara's emotions were everywhere because of her pregnancy and she would often cry herself to sleep at night. Nora and Dawn were both timid and rarely engaged in conversation, they would often burst into tears at random moments allowing the rest of their family to comfort them. Not only were they mourning then death of their boyfriend/uncle/friend, but they were also the mourning the loss of Barry.

Even though Barry wasn't actually physically dead he was dead emotionally and mentally. The Barry they saw that day wasn't the Barry that they all knew. He wasn't Nora and Dawn's loving father. He wasn't Kara super friend and the man she had loved since the day she met him, but she kept those feeling buried deep inside of her when he told her about Iris. She used those feelings to protect his daughters. Mia and William were mourning the loss of their uncle, the man who had acted like their father to them. Cisco, Winn and Caitlin were mourning the loss of their best friend.

They had been back from the funeral for an hour and none of them had spoken to each other, they all just sat their staring into space. The silence was almost deafening and unbearable when Dawn finally broke it

D-"What do we do now?"

Everybody was snapped out of their trances at the sound of Dawn's small voice, they all looked at each other before Mia spoke up,

M-"We put Mon-el's suit on the memorial wall and we deactivate his call button."

Dawn nodded her head then the group sat in silence for a few more moments before Kara stood up and turned to Cisco


Cisco nodded his head and left the group before coming back with a box. He placed it on the table and stepped back allowing Kara to open it, Kara took a deep breathe and opened the box to reveal Mon-el's scarlet red and royal blue suit. Kara picked it up and walked over to the empty case on the memorial wall, she placed the suit on the mannequin and used her heat vision to light the fire in front of it. Kara stepped back into the line of heroes that had gathered behind her as Winn walked up to the call board and deactivated Mon-el's symbol. They then stayed their for a few moments in silence before Kara took a deep breathe and turned to face her friends.

K-"I have an announcement."

All of her friends look at her in confusion except Caitlin and Dawn who both just looked at the floor.

K-"I'm going to be going away for a few months."

WINN-"What why?"

K-"A lot has happened over the past few years and I just need a break, I'm going back to Midvale. I won't be gone long and I'll keep in contact."

M-"Are you gonna be okay?"

K-"Yeah I'll be fine, Alex is gonna come and visit me so I won't be alone."

They remained silent again before, Kara gave everybody a hug and walked to the outside of the Hall with Caitlin.

CA-"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

K-"Yeah, Alex is gonna meet me at the house and you'll be coming to see me as well on a regular basis."

CA-"Okay, I'll be texting you every day."

K-"I have no doubt, look after them all for me?"

CA-"Of course."


Kara took a deep breathe and gave Caitlin a big hug, being careful not to break her bones before letting go.

CA-"Bye Kara."

K-"Bye Cait."

Caitlin wave to Kara as she takes off in the sky going to her childhood home. 

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