Chapter 12

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(Germany's point of view)

It was not late at least today when I woke up. I turned over to see that Veniziano was still sleeping peacefully. I thought about planning on marrying him. He would be so happy. And I want to surprise him with that too. I will probably need a little help on how the plan works. So, I will contact our best friend Japan to help out. And probably Veniziano's brother and a lot of close friends that will help out and support us. I don't want to wake Veniziano, so I took my phone and walked out of the bed room. Then, I called him and he answered on the third ring. "Herro?" He answered. (You know how Japan is when trying to speak English.)  "Hey, Japan. I want to talk to you about something. It's important." I replied. "Well, do you wrant me to come over?" He asked. "Yeah, sure. That would be better anyway." I replied. "Ok that sounds good. What time? At 2pm?" He asked. "Yeah. That would be fine. See you then." I said. And we hung up. Just then, I heard Veniziano waking up and yawning. So I made him coffee and breakfast. "Good morning Luddy." He said softly. "Good morning Veni. I made you breakfast." I said. Oceana woke as well and went to sit next to her tray; waiting for her food and water. I filled her tray with food & water, since I would be busy later with random stuff. I served Veni's breakfast and his coffee. I only made myself coffee; it's not like I'm that hungry anyway. I guess that's what happens when I get excited. "What are we doing today Luddy?" He asked me. "We could go to the mall if that's what you'd like." I said matter - of - factly. "Yeah! Let's do that!" He chirped. "We have to wait 'till Japan gets here. He would be coming with us." I replied. "Yay!" He said. It would be better to talk about the plan while Veniziano is running around and buying things. I don't want him to overhear me. I looked at the time, which read 10am. "You could start getting ready at 12pm." I said. "Ok!" He replied excitedly. I looked in the fridge and cabinet in case I need to stop at the store after the mall. Looks like I do. I sighed. "What is it Luddy?" Veni asked. "It looks like I need to go to the store. We're running out of food." I said. "Well you can leave that up to me. I know exactly what we need." He replied. I smiled and hugged him. Then I gave him a passionate kiss. He was too adorable; especially when he blushes and acts shy. "You're adorable, Veniziano." I said, in a husky, deep voice while looking into his eyes. He blushed even harder and now he looks like a tomato. Then he hid his face in my shirt. I laughed. "Not funny, you tease!" He blurted out and almost laughing. I stroked his hair. "Let's get dressed. We could go to the store after the mall event." "Ok then." He kissed me on the cheek and skipped to our bedroom. I cleaned up the kitchen and then I went in the bedroom as well. Just when I was at the doorway, Veni was naked, changing his clothes. "I see someone looking beautiful." I love it when see him he get naked. He looked over and said, "Oh, really?" He said nervously. "Sorry I surprised you." I must have startled him a bit; coming in on him like that. "No, it's fine, really." He said blushing. I walked up to him and held his body against mine. He smiled and returned the hug. "I must get dressed. You wouldn't want to still be in the middle of being dressed by the time Kiku (Japan) gets here because you spent your time being naughty." He said teasingly. "Oh, is that so?" I said. He giggled and I started to tickle him. He laughed until I stopped. Then, I started to kiss him. He put his arms around my neck as I rubbed his naked body. After a while with kissing, I sucked and kissed his neck as he moaned. Then he said, "I think we need to- ah~ get dressed Luddy." He moaned out. "Yea, I know. I don't want to hold up time. So, will get dressed now." I said. He smiled and started to put on his clothes and I went to put on mines. After we dressed, I looked at the time. Japan should be here any moment now.

The doorbell finally rang. I opened the door and Japan greeted a happy hello. Veni was always excited to see Japan. So, he ran up to him and nearly threw him inside the house. I tried not to laugh so hard; pretending that I didn't see that. His face was just way too funny when Veni just threw him in like that. I held my stomach. "I'm really happy to see you Kiku!" He chirped. He still looks terrified from the throw in. Just then, I started laughing so hard, that I fell to the floor. This day is going to be amazing.

(Author's note)
I know I took so long to upload this chapter, so instead of doing my homework and going to bed, I spent time writing this chapter. The rest will come later. Hope you enjoyed!~

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