Chapter 11

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(Germany's point of view)

I woke up late this time. At least we didn't have a meeting today. I thought about last night. It was good, but I am surprised at both of us at how different we can be when it comes to our sex side. Regardless, it was good last night. I got up and stretched. Italy was still sleeping. He sure can sleep for an infinite time. I don't want him sleeping too long, or else he won't be able to sleep at night. "Veniziano, wake up. Let's go eat breakfast." I said while shaking him awake. Then he started yawning and stretching. It seems he is about to get up now, so I went to go make breakfast.

(Italy's point of view)

I woke up and stretched since Luddy woke me up. I started to get out of bed, but my hips started hurting really bad. "Ouch! Ugh..." This sucks. Oh yea... Last night. Well, it wasn't bad. I smell breakfast from the kitchen. I can't move right now, so I will tell Luddy when he gets in here. Hehe... Luddy came in finally. "Your awake now, that's good. Come eat." He said. "Uh, I can't move right now. My hips hurt so bad. Can we have breakfast in here?" I asked. "Sure, I'll be right back." He said as he left. Then he came back with the food and drinks. We had a good and comfortable morning with silly conversations and jokes.

(Germany's point of view)

After we ate breakfast, I cleaned and feed Oceana, then went back to bed. I wanted to stay with Veniziano. "Does your hips still hurt?" I asked him. "Yea, a little." He said. "I can massage you to get rid of the pain if that's what you like." I offered. He smiled and said "Ok, but be careful... I feel numb." He kind of complained. I went to him and started to massage his hips slowly until the pain went away. "Feel better?" I asked. He started moving around, looking like he isn't feeling any pain. "Yep! I don't feel anything now. Thanks Luddy!" He kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and cleared my throat and said "No problem." He laughed at my actions. I shook my head, smiling. I don't feel at all tired. It looks like Veniziano still needs his sleep though. "You seem to look sleepy. Get more sleep." I said as I tuck him in. "What are you going to do while I'm sleeping Luddy?" He asked. "I will call and get England over here so I can help him with things. He kind of wanted America to come, but I'm afraid that he will wake you as soon as he step into the house." I said. He laughed and went to sleep. I went to call England and soon, he was over. Looks like we have updates and when we go back to the meeting, England will make the announcement this time.

After the updates and whatever problem he needed help with, he left and I went to check on Veniziano. It's good to see him sleeping peacefully as always. As I entered the hallway, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and it appears my brother. "Hi west!" I shushed him and greeted him in a low voice. "Veniziano is sleep." I said. "Oh, is that Italy I met at the meeting?" He asked. "Yes. Do you want to come in?" I offered. "Yea, I can stay for a while. I came because I missed you anyways." I smiled and let him in, then I locked the door. "So, how's it been? Doing anything?" He asked. I replied, "It's been fine. Nothing much happened. And I am dating Veniziano." He made a surprised look. "You're dating Italy?!" He asked loud, but not too loud. "Yea... I am." I said. "Well, I won't judge you. You two make a pretty good couple anyways! At least you finally found someone to really love." He said in a matter of fact way. "Thanks. We have a cat too." I said as our cat started to make her way over here. "Aw, soo cute!" He picked up the cat and started to rub her and she meows. "Adorable indeed." I said. "Are you hungry? I can make you something." I offered. "No, it's ok. I will be leaving soon anyways. Besides, I have a date with Hungary." He said cheerfully and smiled. I'm glad to see him happy. "That's good. Have a great date then." I said as he put the cat down and she ran to her tray to eat. We both laughed at her. She could really get goofy at times. "Next time I come over, I will stay longer." He said. "And you could bring Hungary too if you like. I'm sure she would like to see Veniziano since they haven't seen each other in a long time." I suggested. "Definitely! I sure will do that and we will all have a good time." He said excitedly. I walked him to the door and said our goodbyes. "See you next time West! And tell Ita I said hi for me." He said as he waved. "Sure thing!" I yelled. He got in his car and drove off. Afterwards, I went back in the house and locked the door. It wasn't much for me to do, so I went to look in my books that I've collected from one of the meetings and started to look through.

Strong Love (Lemons/ Hetalia/ Germany X Italy)Where stories live. Discover now