Chapter 6

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(Germany's point of view)

(2 months later)

The next morning,I woke up and went to do the same thing I did as the previous mornings. I went to my basement to find more of my old books about the war that England was talking about. He must have wanted to borrow these so I will keep them upstairs so he can come by and get them later. So, I went upstairs and started to make breakfast. Then I heard Italy get up and walk in the kitchen. "Well your up early this time." I said. "Yea,I couldn't sleep anymore so.." Italy told me. I smiled softly and got the cat food out so when she awake,she will eat with us.

(Italy's point of view)

Germany smiled softly and got the cat food out. He doesn't smile much,so its very nice to see him smile like that. Probably he's worrying about me too much. I have to get his mind off of it. I don't want him worrying too much now. "What will we be doing today Germany?" I asked. "I don't really know. I haven't thought about anything." He said,serving us and bringing Oceana. I started to think of what to do. He has been really sweet to me ever since that day he saved me. But I'm starting to have a little feelings for him. Or falling for him. I don't know why I feel this way yet. Every time he does certain things,I end up blushing. I don't want to get a house any more. I want to stay with Germany for as long as he let's me stay at his house. I don't think he will feel the same way though. I could mess up our friendship and I wouldn't like that. I sighed and started eating my food. Germany sat next to me and ate as Oceana started eating her food. I love his cooking a lot. "Germany?" I asked. "Yea? What is it Italy?" He asked me. "Can I make pasta tonight? I love cooking too." I wanted him to taste my cooking for once. He said "Sure,I don't see why not. I want to try your cooking." I smiled happily and finished eating.

(Germany's point of view)

Italy smiled happily when I told him that I wanted to try his cooking. England told me he would come this afternoon to collect the books. We all finished our breakfast and I cleaned up as Italy decided to do the dishes. He's been helping up a lot. I don't know why,but I'm starting to have feelings for this guy. It's very different. I've never felt like this for a guy before. That's kind of surprising to me. Oh what the hell... If that's how I feel then so be it. I think he still wants to get his house though. I don't want him to leave. And I don't think he feels the same way. I could ruin our friendship......

England finally came by and I greeted him at the door. "Hey England." He smiled and said "Hey Germany,glad to see you!" I let him in and lead him to the books to get. He complemented on my house."Wow,you sure do have a wonderful house." I replied "Thank you. Italy helped put decorations and new furniture around." England looked surprised. "Wow,Italy lives with you?" I replied "For now... He will be getting his own house like he wanted soon." England looked at me and said "You sound disappointed because of that too." Did I really look dissapointed? I cleared my throat and told him "Uh,no it's not like I'm dissapointed or anything." I gave him the books he wanted. Italy walked in,holding Oceana and said hello to England. "Hi Italy,how are you doing?" He said "I'm doing great!" He chirped happily like he always do when he is happy or happy to see someone.

England said his thanks and left. Italy asked me with worry on his face "Are you ok? You seem down." I told him "I just have a lot of things on my mind is all." It was half true. "I will make the pasta now. You can watch if you want." I nodded as he went into the kitchen to prepare it. I went in to watch him cook. He boiled the water and started doing what he has to do. He also seemed careful to what he does. I didn't know he could cook,but he is amazing to me.

It was later 9:20pm and dinner was ready. Which didn't take long. He served us and we started eating. Wow... His food is very good. Italy asked me "How is it?" I smiled saying "It taste incredible Italy. You did a very good job making this." Italy lightly blushed and smiled and I know he is really glad that I love his food. After we ate,Italy went to bed and I cleaned up this time and did the dishes. As I went into my room, seeing Italy in my bed again I laughed. "What's funny Germany?" Italy asked me. I replied "You don't like sleeping in your room huh? You like it here more?" I asked. Italy hid his face under his hair and said "Uh,well if you want me to sleep in my own room,I understand... Um..." I walked towards him and cupped his cheek and looked him in the eyes,smiling softly. "Italy you don't have to worry. If you want to sleep here,you can for as long as you want. Its ok. I like when you sleep here too." He seemed stunned for a sec. and blushed hard while looking away "O-ok then." He said studdering. Damn....those faces he makes though. I even feel myself blushing hard as well. I lay right beside Italy and we stare at each other for how long. He seemed shy to be staring at me for so long. So he blushed and looked down. We were only 6 inches away from each other and so was our faces. But it seemed like we are getting closer to each other. I pulled Italy, who was still blushing shyly, very close and slowly and...... Oceana pounced her little paws between us to stop us from what we were doing. Wait.....were we were about to kiss? I remember pulling him very close to me though. Italy giggled at our silly cat and made her lay down. I groaned out of dissapointment. Italy laughed at me,I smiled laughing at myself while I held Italy and Oceana close. Soon, we all feel asleep.

Author's note: I have stupid winter break homework to get to. So before I got started, I wanted to make this chapter first. Pretty good huh? Well I gots to go now. I will come back for chapter 7!

Strong Love (Lemons/ Hetalia/ Germany X Italy)Where stories live. Discover now