Chapter 3- Silly family

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I woke up early and really didn't know why. I usually don't wake up that early. So I brushed my teeth and checked on Italy. He was sleeping beautifully at peace. From his side, he looked a bit feminine. I'm glad he is sleeping peacefully though. I opened the curtains and let the sun in. The room was warm and bright. I went to make him coffee and breakfast and woke him up afterwards. It wasn't that early anymore so. He yawned and looked tired still. "What is it?" He asked. I said "Here,start your day with this." I served him in bed. He smiled warmly and looked at me sweetly. "Thank you." Seeing him look like this made me blush. So I cleared my throat and replied back "your welcome." When I walked out of the room,I heard him giggle. I smiled myself,shaking my head slowly. After I ate, I put the dished in the sink to wash later.

Out of the blue,my friend Japan called asking to come over for a while. So I told him to come and join breakfast. Soon,the doorbell rang and let Japan in. "Hey Japan, it's good to see you again since its been awhile. Japan was really happy to see me " its good to see you too Germany-san." I also introduced him to Italy, who was finished with his breakfast. "Italy,this is a good friend of mine,Japan." Italy was full of joy and shook Japans hand gently. "It's nice to meet you Japan!" He chirped happily. I already know they will get along,so I left those two to chat while I clean the dishes since it wasn't so many.

Later, we would have to go to the world meeting so I will introduce him when we get there. Japan told Italy about the world meeting so there was no need for me to explain. When we got there,we settled in and sat next to each other. America,as always being loud and annoying as ever,started to make his speech about the attacks. "Ok dudes! About the attacks,we need to set up traps and also protect the innocent ones. There is so much more though. We made our enemies think that we are going to attack on the east side to steal their money when we are really buying time to get everyone safe so we're on the right track."

That plan sounded like it can work,but we still have to be careful. After we got through talking about our simple and straightforward plan,we still had time left so everyone started arguing and and just simply being silly. We all have been together for so long and Italy seemed to be enjoying himself. All of a sudden England started to shout an outburst at the top of his lungs at America. "I told your bloody ass to stop talking about my damn eyebrows!!! You git! Leave me the hell alone you fat McDonald eating everyday ass!!!!" Italy burst out in laughter holding his stomach along with Japan. I shook my head knowing that it was hilarious. America argued back "That's why your scones taste like couch stuffing and all you do is put the kitchen on fire every time you try to cook!" Then after that,everyone jumped in the arguing except myself, Italy,and Japan. Oh,can't forget Canada either. Even though he really doesn't say anything. This seems like a funny family. I dragged Italy and Japan out of the meeting and we went back to my house. Italy was still giggling from England's outburst.

Authors Note: Haha I love to make funny arguments between England and America though. I will make things go nice and slow with Germany and Italy,but not too slow. Hope you guys are enjoying this so far. That's it for the night,I'll continue later! Good night awesome bros

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