Chapter 8

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(Italy's point of view)

It was a beautiful morning. When I woke up, it was 9 a.m. I didn't get out the bed though. I was just too lazy. I saw Germany, who is laying right beside me. He was stroking my hair. It seems that he just woke up. I thought about last night. I wonder if we are officially dating now. "Germany? Your awake?" I asked. He told me "Yea. I'm awake. You can call me Ludwig for now on." I smiled "Ok. You can call me Veniziano for now on then. Does that mean we are dating now?"  "Yea." Ludwig smiled back and continued to stroke my hair. We seemed to not want to get out of the bed at all right now. I'm happy because of that.

(Germany's point of view)

I continued stroking Veniziano's hair. I can tell that he is very happy that we are not getting out the bed now. Usually, I would get him out the bed. So we stay in for a long time. "Are you not hungry, Veniziano?" I asked. "No." Well that was quick.... I'm not either, so that makes both of us. My phone, under my pillow, started ringing and I answered. "Hello?" This person said "Potato bastard, let me speak to my brother...." It was Veniziano's brother, South Italy, as known as Lovino. I said "Ok." And I passed the phone to Veniziano and he was happy to hear from him. I just lay here and close my eyes, waiting for him to get off the phone and got comfortable.

(Italy's point of view) (fratello means "brother")

I'm glad to hear my fratello's voice!  "Hi fratello!" I chirped. Just then, Ludwig chuckled at my chirping. "How is my baby fratello doing?" He asked happily. "I'm Great!" I told him. "That's good. When are you going to visit? I miss you, you pasta loving basterdo..." I laughed. He laughed as well. "I will come today in the afternoon. Don't worry!" I assured him. "Ok then I will be waiting for you." "Ok. Bye fratello!" "Bye!" And we hung up. I turned to Ludwig, who seemed to had fallen asleep. Well, that was quick. He laughs at my chirping and then falls asleep? I crawled on top of him and pounce him with my butt. "Get up!" I said pouncing on him again and again. He finally gets up and start tickling me. "Aahahahaha!!!" I fell off of him and he continues to tickle me. Then he was on top of me and his arm holding me around my waist while the other on my back. He tickles me one last time. "Hahahaha!!! Stop ok ok!" He stopped and pulled me in for a soft kiss. After the giggles I had and kisses, he got off me and we just sat here, having nothing to do. It was funny though. Ludwig and I saw Oceana crawled on the bed and starts to rub her head on our legs.

(Germany's point of view)

Oceana started to rub her head on our legs and we both rubbed her fur. I got up, stretching and so did Veniziano. "Lovi wants me to visit him today!" He said. "Oh, well do so. It's been a long time since you guys seen each other right?" I asked. "Yup! I told him I will come in the afternoon though. I want him to enjoy his morning with Antoni." Antonio was known as Spain. "Well that's good. Now I'm going to make breakfast." I started to walk into the kitchen, but Veniziano said "Let me make it this time!" I always loved his cooking, so I said "Yea sure. I will feed Oceana and then I will watch you cook." Watching Veniziano cook is relaxing to me actually. I feed our cat, then started to watch Veniziano cook. "Would you want some coffee, Ludwig?" He asked me. Coffee sounds good right about now. "Sure, I would love some." I said as he smiled making me coffee... After he had finished making breakfast and coffee, we started to enjoy our morning. We had a nice conversation during it. It was really a nice, yet smooth morning.

Later, in the afternoon, I drove Italy to his brother's house. "Would you want to come with me Luddy?" Veniziano asked. I blushed at the all of a sudden nickname. "Um, ok I guess." I scratched my head. Veniziano giggles at me. "Well I bet you wouldn't have nothing to do otherwise. So come." Veniziano ringed the doorbell like crazy. Romano opened the door. "What the hell!? Oh! That's you who ringed the doorbell like crazy." And they hugged. Veniziano said "Yup! That was me! Luddy came with me if you don't mind. He could chat with Antoni!" Romano made a face and let us in. So as told, I went to talk with Spain.

(Italy's point of view)

I watched Antoni and Luddy talk. They seemed to get along pretty well so. I turned to talk to Lovi. "How are you? Is Antoni taking care of you?" I half teased. Lovi's face was like a tomato now. I laughed, knowing they were in a relationship and they were such a cute couple. "Whatever pasta loving basterdo.... Let's talk about you. What's been going on?" He asked. "Well, Luddy and I are dating now!" I chirped. "Wait.. You and that potato bastard are dating?" He looked surprised. I don't blame him. He does hate him after all. "Yea, we are. But why do you hate him so much?" It's not like Luddy did anything wrong to him. "It's not that I hate him.... Its just that he looks so much like Holy Rome and I know how you felt when he never came back. Every time I see his face, I just see Holy Rome. That's all..." He admitted. I sighed and said "It's ok Lovi. I understand now. Don't worry, its not like I think about him all the time. Or at all. I got over it as soon as I got to know Luddy. He acts nothing like Holy Rome." I said holding fratello's hands. "That's good to know. And I'm glad you got over it. Now let's eat some pizza and talk more about yourself." He said. "Sounds yummy!" I said. Pizza sounds really good right about now. As Lovi was making the pizza, I turned on the TV and switched to anime. I started watching it ever since Japan told me about it.

Later on the day, the pizza was ready and we were eating and enjoying ourselves. "Lovi, you sure are good in making pizza." I complemented. "Thank you. I know you are good in making pasta. So I would visit your house on of these days to try some." He said. "That will be wonderful! I sure will look forward to it." I chirped. Lovi laughed at my chirping. I know... I have a habit of doing that. I'm so happy to see my fratello laughing. He doesn't smile or laugh much. But I bet he does a lot when he is with Antoni. I want him to be happy. I want him to know that he isn't ever alone either. "What time is it Lovi?" I asked. "Its going on 1. Did you want to leave?" "Nope! I'm having too much fun. It just looked dark all of a sudden outside. Oh well, it must be the clouds then." It really did look dark though. It doesn't matter. "I'm having fun too. It goes dark, then it goes bright so. I'm getting kind of tired. It's not like I did much today so I'm not sure why I'm so worn out." I giggled. "Because you need some sleep Lovi!" He really did look exhausted though. "Uh.....I think I really do need sleep. I don't want you to leave still." He yawned right after. "Well you did say that you will come to my house for dinner since I'm making past, so don't worry. I'm sure Luddy is exhausted too so I might as well leave before he sleeps on the table." I assured. "Yea, I promise to visit. I will go on to bed now. I don't care how early it is..." We got up and I told Germany that we were leaving. He looked tired too. Antoni walked past us slumping over trying to get to bed. Everyone is tired all of a sudden! Oh well. Lovi will visit me one of these days anyway. So I waved goodbye and Luddy and I got in the car and went home.

As soon as we got in the house, he hurried out of his clothes and changed, then went to bed. Well he sure couldn't wait to be home and run to that bed huh? I looked at our beautiful cat. She seemed to be sleeping as well. It was still early. It was already going on 5pm. Since I'm not tired, I went to get myself a drink from the frig and then went outside on the balcony and enjoyed the outside view. It was a beautiful, yet pretty sunset. So I took a picture on my phone. It turned out good too. I sighed and went inside and changed my clothes. Then I went to bed and Luddy put his arm around me. He is always so warm. I want to be like this forever in his arms where it's so nice and warm.

Strong Love (Lemons/ Hetalia/ Germany X Italy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt