Chapter 16 True Happiness

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(Germany's point of view)

I woke up early again. It seemed that Japan did as well because he called me. On the phone, he said that everyone we knew got the invitation. I was happy to hear that. On the invitation card, it said that we were getting married in two weeks. That's good enough for us. I'm actually excited now that it's at least going to be taken place soon. I'm pretty sure that Veniziano is definitely excited too. So it'll be two weeks from now. Japan and I stayed on the phone for a long time, discussing things over and about the wedding and most important things. There were lots to talk about, which I didn't mind at all. I really do appreciate Japan's effort to help and all, so I thanked him. After a while of discussing and what was going to be done, we got off the phone. Now all I have to do is let Veniziano know after he wakes up. I made breakfast after turning on the TV to Veni's favorite cartoon shows. He woke up to the smell of coffee and breakfast. "I see you're woke." I said to him as he walked into the kitchen.
"Yea... I am." He replied, stretching and yawning. He poured and prepared himself some coffee, trying to wake up more. Since he look more woken up, I decided to tell him. "I was on the phone with Kiku earlier about the invitation. We're getting married in two weeks from now." I told him. "That's great! Can't wait." He chirped and kissed me on the cheek. Smiling, he heard his favorite cartoon show come on and goes in the living room with his coffee. I'm glad he's excited. After the breakfast was finished, I served him his breakfast in the living room. Then I went to go get mines and sit next to him.

(Week 1) (Germany's point of view)

Japan came over in the afternoon to fill us in on more news, since we're getting closer. He told us who will dress us up and prepare us. The closer we get to the day, the more I get kind of nervous. Japan told me it's normal because I'm excited and happy. I'm sure Veni is nervous too. But we both can't wait for the day to come. Japan also told us that we'll get ready for the dressing and preparing before the wedding starts.

(Italy's point of view)

I can't wait until the day comes! I'm excited, but nervous. At least I'll see my family there. Kiku told us lots of information though. I couldn't be more happy! "Luddy? I'm getting quite nervous and we're getting closer to that day. And I forgot which day too..." I told him. "It's alright. I'm nervous too. But Japan told us not to worry about it. The day would be Thursday." He replied. "I see. Um... Would we get a honeymoon?" I asked, blushing. "Of course we will. I don't see why we won't." He says, smiling and blushing too. I hugged him and giggled. He's so warm and comfortable whenever I'm in his arms. Oceana rubbed against our legs while she purred. She's happy too. I fed her some treats after I broke from the hug I was giving Luddy.

(Week 2, Thursday morning)

(Germany's point of view)

Veni and I got plenty of rest and we're ready for our big day. "Are you ready for today? Japan will be over in a little while." I asked him. "Yea!" He chirped. His adorableness made me laugh. "Ok then. Let's get dressed into something simple, since Japan is taking us to prepare for the wedding." I told him. "Ok then." He replied happily while getting his clothes to put them on. I put my clothes on too. I want us to be dressed before Japan comes. Later on, Japan arrived at the door, ringing the doorbell. Veni rushed to the door, excitedly, and let Japan in. Japan smiled at how excited Veni is. That made me smile too. Veni didn't even have coffee and he's so bouncy. "At least you guys seem ready to go. We could leave now, it'll be best to be at the church a few minutes early." He suggested. "That'll be great, actually. I'll feed the cat before we leave." I replied, getting the cat food and feeding the cat. "I'm excited! Will lots of people and countries be there?" I heard Veni asked with lots of energy. "Of course it'll lots of people and countries there. But you won't see them until the wedding starts." Japan replied. After I fed the cat, I let Japan and Veni know that we could leave. We soon arrived at the church, where we were assigned rooms to get dressed in. Japan told us that we'll be more comfortable with a lady dressing us instead of a guy. He's right. That was nice of him to think about us like that. The assistant woman led me to a room so she could pick the right outfit. After a while, I was done dressing and was told to meet up with Japan. "Oh! Germany, you're ready." He said as soon as he saw me. "Yea. This is it, and I'm pretty much excited." I replied. "Ok then, let's go back to where we were standing earlier. Everyone's here too. And italy's almost ready." He said excitedly. I smiled and he led me to where I'm supposed to stand. As I went to the middle front of the church, I saw basically almost all nations. I was very surprised to how many showed up. As soon as they saw me, they cheered and stopped after a while so they could see Veniziano whenever he comes out. "See Germany? They can't wait to see the both of you get married." Japan said. "I see. I can't wait either." I said, feeling proud. Soon, Veniziano walks down the aisle and everyone stands up to cheer and take pictures. He wore a very nice white suit, with a black rose hanging from his chest pocket. I stare at him, looking at him in the eyes while he looks in my eyes the whole time as he walks up to me. Once he made it up to the aisle, he stands across from me. Japan stands beside us with his book, about to give us words to say. "Alright, Germany, are you ready?" He asks. "Yes, I am." I assured. "I, Ludwig Belischmidt, will promise to protect and love you for as long as I live until death separates us." He says. I repeat the words while holding Veniziano's hands. He smiles and blushes. Tears of happiness forms in his eyes. Japan turns to Italy. "I, Veniziano, will promise to protect and love you for as long as I live until death separates us." He says. Veniziano repeates the words. Gilbert gave us the rings. I put the ring on Veniziano's finger and he puts the other ring on mines. Japan spoke again. "Ludwig, you may kiss your husband." When we kissed, everyone cheers and take pictures again. After a while, the wedding was over as soon as we left the church after saying goodbye to everyone. Veniziano wanted to go to dinner, so we went to a restaurant before going home. When we got home, it was 8pm. Oceana was sleeping on the couch in the living room. We walked into our bedroom and I asked Veni a question. "Veniziano, can I make love to you tonight?" Veniziano smiles and answers, "Yes, you may." I returned the smile and kissed him passionately. We striped each other's clothes off slowly and soon, we were both naked. I picked him up and gently put him on the bed. I kissed and sucked his neck in different areas, earning moans from him. I snaked my arm around his body, and started sucking his nipples. He gasped and moaned again. After turning each other on and some heavy breathing, I grabbed a bottle of lube and coated my cock with it. I put the lube back when I was finished. "Are you ready?" I asked Veni while lifting his legs and spreading them. "Yes, I am." He assures me. I enter him slowly. After I feel him loosening up, I moved around a little, making him adjust more until he gives me the ok. A few minutes has passed and he nodded. I pulled out of him until only the tip was inside him and I pushed back in. "A-ah! Haah!" Veniziano cries out. I leaned down to kiss him and he puts his arms around my neck. I pushed in and out of him over and over again and I finally hit a certain spot as he cries out in full pleasure. "Aaah!" He arches his back and I could feel him balling up his feet on my back. I groaned and pushed into him again and kept going without stopping. The bed was pounding against the wall and Veni moaned louder. After a few more minutes, Veni came on my stomach and I came inside him. We panted and I rolled over and layed by his side. "I love you, Veniziano." I said, looking him in the eyes. He smiled and replied, "I love you too, Luddy." Soon, we fell asleep comfortably, with me holding him in my arms.

Strong Love (Lemons/ Hetalia/ Germany X Italy)Where stories live. Discover now