Chapter 14

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(Germany's point of view)

The next early morning, I got up to do do my routine. Afterwards, I got dressed and went in the living room to turn on the TV and switched to cartoons for Veniziano when he wakes up. I went in the kitchen to make coffee. After a while, I heard Veniziano getting up. Maybe the smell of coffee is waking him up. While he brushes his teeth, I get all ingredients that I need to make breakfast. "Good morning Luddy." Veni says coming into the kitchen. "Guten Morgen. Did you sleep well?" I asked. "Si!" He chirped. "Well, that's gut." I replied. "I wanna help make breakfast! Can I help please!?" He begged. I smiled and said "I don't see why not." Then he jumped up and down saying "Yaay!!!" And then goes to cook the bacon while I make the sasauge. After the bacon was finished, Veni went into the living room to watch his cartoon shows. Soon, I finished cooking the sasauge and then moved onto cooking the eggs, which I finished within 7 minutes. "Breakfast is ready!" I called out as I fed the cat. Then I heard Veni rushing to the table. "Are we doing anything today?" He asked. "Yes, we are." I said while serving us. "What are we doing?" He asked as his eyes dialate. He probably knows it's going to be good. "I'm taking us out to dinner. And then I have to ask you something. I will ask after we get full." I explained. "I can't wait..." I heard him mumble in excitement. After we ate our breakfast, I went outside to exercise on some running while Veni still watches cartoons. I didn't have him run because he will probably get really upset, which is that I don't want. Especially when I'm taking him out tonight. I hope I won't get rejected when I ask him to marry me. I won't let my negative side get the best of me so I will just look forward to have him marry me.

(Italy's point of view)

I can't wait to hear what's Luddy going to ask me. I bet it'll be great and what we're doing is... romantic. The thought of it made me smile. I don't know how long I was smiling, I was just too happy. Well, I don't think it's that special so I will just wear normal clothes like I've been doing when we go out. Hmm... Maybe this week I will visit Hungary and Austria. I haven't talked to them in a while. I bet they miss me as much as I miss them! It's about time I see them again. Since I will be there, Prussia will be there so I will take Luddy with me. After a while, I got a little tired so I should take a cat nap. After a few minutes, I drifted off to sleep.

(Time skip XP)
(Germany's point of view)

It was 7pm when we began getting dressed. As I was getting ready, I became a little nervous. So, I thought to myself, "what's the very worst that could happen?" Well, I won't think too hard about it. After we got dressed, we headed out to the car and on our way to Veni's favorite restaurant. We arrived there by 8pm. The waitress seated us by the booth. Veni always loved the booth. At least it's by the window. "Are you going to eat something new? Or are you going to eat the same food you always order when you come here?" I asked. "The same I always get." Veni chirped. I smiled and he giggled. Soon, the waitress came to ask us what we wanted to eat. "I would like the Alfredo chicken pasta!" Veni said. "And I would like Jagerschnitzel." I added. "Any drinks?" She asked. "I would like beer." I said. "And I would like a Sprite." Veni said. The waitress had told us that our food will be on our way as we nodded. "What are you smiling about?" I asked Veni. "I can't wait hear what you're going to ask me after we eat. It'll be great!" He chirped. I have a feeling this won't be so bad after all. Well, Kiku did tell me not to worry. "Oh, yea?" I asked. "Yea!" He replied. Veni is a goofball when he gets excited. After a while, the waitress served us with our food and drinks. "Have a nice day." She said politely. "Thank you." We said in unison. She walked off and we began eating. The food here is really delicious. It's been a while since the last time we went here. And I'm really glad that Veniziano is enjoying his time here again. I hope he accepts my offer though. I don't really feel nervous anymore. And if he does accept, I hope he'll like this ring. Soon, we finished our food and Veni was the first to break the silence. Wow... He's still full of excitement. "So what were you going to ask me?" He asked. "Oh.. Well." I cleared my throat and began to speak. Well, here goes nothing. I believe my hands are shaking a little. Veni notices and reached out to hold my hands. "I want to let you know that I love you, Veniziano, with all my heart. And I will keep it that way. I promise to never in my life leave you. You are my lover, my partner, soulmate, and best friend. I want you to forever stay in my life. So, I wanted to ask you if you will marry me?" I proposed, looking into his eyes as he looked stunned staring into my eyes.

(Italy's point of view)

I looked stunned, staring into Luddy's eyes. I wasn't expecting that. It was a big surprise, but I felt so happy. So, I accepted it. "Yes." I replied, with tears of happyness in my eyes. Luddy looked happy as well and took out a tomato shaped ring. The ring was golden and the tomato had the colors of a real tomato. My eyes dialated at the sight of the ring. Then he smiled more put the ring on my finger. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I said "It's.. so beautiful." I said. "I'm glad you love it." Luddy replied. "Let's cash out and go home." He soon said afterwards. "Alright." I agreed. Luddy went up to our waitress and gave her the tip and cashed out. We left the restaurant and soon arrived home. I'm getting tired because of the food I ate. I'm looking for my bed as soon as we get into the house. "Are you ok Veni?" Luddy asked, concerned. "Yeah, I'm just tired because of the food. I'm so full." I said. Luddy started to kiss me and I soon melted into the kiss. Then he picked me up gently and carried me inside of the house and locked it as soon as we were in, with our lips still together. He carried me all the way into the bedroom and we crawled into bed. We disconnected our lips as I gasped for air. "Get some sleep. I don't want you sleeping all day tomorrow. I will tell kiku tomorrow the good news and knowing him, he'll probably try to print wedding cards for the other countries and family." He explained. "Ok. Oh and I want to visit Hungary and Austria tomorrow. Can you come with me? Prussia will be there." I asked. "Of course I'll come. How can I say no?" Luddy said. I smiled and changed into my pajamas and Luddy did the same. I put the ring in the drawer so I can wear it tomorrow. I can't wait to show my family the ring as Kiku spread the news. The thought of it made me smile. We soon fell asleep comfortably in each others arms.

Strong Love (Lemons/ Hetalia/ Germany X Italy)Where stories live. Discover now