Chapter 9

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(Germany's point of view)

The next morning.

I see Veniziano curled up in my arms and sleeping soundly. He really did look adorable. I looked over at my clock, which read 7:30a.m. I always get up early, no matter what time I go to sleep. The sunlight came into the room, shining behind Veniziano. It made his skin look bright. Looks like he has been getting his beauty sleep. We have to go to the world meeting today. I guess we will be talking about how close we are to get the innocent people into safety. At least I'm sure that our enemies are going to fall for that trap though. I won't worry too much. Veniziano wouldn't like that at all. It's still early, and I can't go back to sleep, so I will be keeping mind of the time. Our cat came in and crawled towards me and lay right on my side. Looks like we are both waiting for Veniziano to wake up. He usually takes a long time to wake, so since the meeting starts at 10, I will wake him at 8:20a.m. so he can have time to get ready, eat, and have his coffee.

(Italy's point of view)


I woke up to Luddy's kisses. He kisses me until I awake. I got up and yawned while stretching. "Good morning, Veniziano." Luddy said in a deep and sexy voice. I smiled and said "Good morning." He knew I wasn't going to get out of bed, so he carried me out of bed in bridal style. He carried me to the bathroom and put me down gently. I smiled as he went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. I brushed my teeth and went into the kitchen after I was finished. I feed Oceana and sat at the table, waiting for breakfast to be finished cooking. "Do you want coffee?" Luddy asked. "Yea, sure. Do we have a meeting today?" I asked. "Yea, we do. I think it will be short this time for whatever reason. That's why we are getting up late. So, don't rush and take your time ok?" He said while making my coffee. "Ok." I replied. By then, breakfast was ready and so as my coffee. He served it and we ate slowly. Luddy is a great, sweet, and caring guy. That's one of the things I love about him.

(Germany's point of view)

After we ate, we got ready and headed out the house and into the car. It took only 15 minutes to get to the meeting. As we walked in, it was a little quiet. Not exactly everybody was here. But I do no that once everyone get here, it sure will be noisy as hell. I always have to be the one to shut everyone up. Oh well..... Soon, everyone was here and America cleared his throat to catch everyone's attention. And then he spoke up. "Ok, we all know that our plan is working pretty good. There isn't much to say though. Our people was spreading the false plan like wildfire. They do know that the plan was false and they agreed to spread it. But hey! Good work everyone! All we need to do us get those people to that safehouse that we've been working on and be prepared with weapons!" Everyone was clapping at our successful mission.

Later on, when there was nothing else to talk about, everyone....of course started to argue. I won't bother trying to get them to be quiet. I'm not in the mood to be yelling anyways. But then, just in 4 minutes, it got too loud. I still didn't bother. England nodded at me and made a irritated face. I sighed and stood up. "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP! IT'S TOO DAMN LOUD!" Just then, everyone was settled down. "Thank you, Germany." England said. I nodded and held my head. It kind of hurts from all the noise and my throat was so dry, that I think it cracked. Veniziano gave me water and started to massage my shoulders and the sides of my head. He knew how I was feeling now. I feel so much better, all because of Veniziano. Always know how to make me feel relaxed, even in a noisy ass meeting....

The meeting ended shortly and everyone left. Veniziano and I headed home. We didn't feel like going anywhere anyways. As soon as we got home, we changed clothes. "Um... Luddy?" He called to me. "Yea, what is it?" I asked. "Do you...... Uh.... Want to take a shower with me?" He asked, while looking away and blushing. "Yea, let's do that." We went into the bathroom and undressed. Seeing Veniziano's naked body almost made me drool. I ran the water temperature to warm and we got in. He seemed to be enjoying it. All I did was stare and admire his body. "What? Why are you staring ate like that?" He asked. I held his body close to mine and said, "Because you are beautiful. And I love you." Right after I said that, I kissed him and he kissed back. The kiss was a passionate kiss. He put his arms around my neck and I out my arms around his hips. After a while, I start to rub down and squeezed his ass. He let out a surprised moan and smiled a bit. I could tell he was a little nervous. We were in the shower for a long time. So we decided to get out and dry off. Italy went into the bedroom, still naked and didn't even bother putting on his clothes. He just sat there and still had the towel around his waist. "I can't find clothes to wear." He said. "It's ok." I said, making my way over to him and then kissing him again. He cupped my face and started kissing me. I leaned, making Veniziano lay down in the bed on the soft pillows. I was on top of him. We continued, still naked though.

Strong Love (Lemons/ Hetalia/ Germany X Italy)Where stories live. Discover now