Chapter 9 - The Duat is Deadly.

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Chapter 9 – The Duat is Deadly.

I wake up, sitting down quickly, feeling really numb and terrified. I can still see the flashback in my dreams, I can still imagine myself inside as Demexus, fighting the god. I can’t believe he won. He use intelligence and strength in such a really nice way.

I don’t know what happened while I was asleep, but my head is aching, and my eyes feel like melting. The place is dark, except from the windows that reveals the moonlight. It is the same room where I was before, made of wood from ceiling to floor.

I search over for the switch light, but everything looks blurred without wearing my glasses. I stand up, march towards the wall and start searching for the light. After a few seconds of scanning, I found it and turn it on. The bright light blinded me for a second, but my eyes slowly adjusted to it.

Now where are my glasses? Where did they put it? I touch my head and try to remember how and why I am here. I can recall being in my house, being angry at Ares because I don’t know where is my mother. Yes, yes, right, I was thinking about things . . . stuff, about the book, about the quest.

I’m going to go. In this mission, find Cibth, destroy it, kill Ares, rescue mom. I don’t know why or what that god will do to my mom, but I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be her suitor or anything. If that happens, I’m going to commit suicide.

Beside me, the door opens, hitting me in the head. It smashes me with a large thud which send me stumbling back.

“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry.” The one who hit me said, base from her voice, I can clearly say it is Eve. “Are you okay?”

I touch my head. “Yeah, yeah. It doesn’t hurt that much.” I admitted. “Where are my glasses?”

“Here it is.” She said, hanging my glasses loosely between my eyes.

My vision cleared instantly, seeing Eve in front of me. I fix my glasses and slide it further up to my nose. Eve wears jeans, white rubber shoes and white long sleeves. Her hair is fixed with full bangs, like a Korean, and it’s long enough to reach half her backbone. Yeah I just noticed it today.

She is shaking her head and talking to me in a very sincere voice “Look, I’m really sorry about that I didn’t really—“

“No, it’s alright. Really.” I said. “I’m just . . . dazed.”

She exhales a huge amount of carbon dioxide.

I start to walk out of the room and drag her with me, holding her in her wrist. I don’t know why I’m doing it, but I just really feel like to. . . Maybe it’s my revenge remembering the times she drag me into battle.

The hallway is made of wood, just like the room. There are nine other more doors around, which sums up to ten total rooms in the house. From the right end of the hallway is a big window, while on the end is the stairs.

I keep on holding her wrist, and bring her with me down the stairs.

“I’m really very sorry about that.” She repeated.

“We’ve talked about that already.”

Down stairs looks like a typical living room. There is a flat screen TV above the fireplace, a long ninety six inches sofa and a sixty inches table in front of it, kitchen in the far left corner and the dining table behind the sofas. There is a piano near the fireplace, huge stereo beside the kitchen, a ping pong table in the opposite corner of the kitchen, and fifteen desktops in front of the stairs. It’s a big room if you’re not asking.

“By the way, Pernbius is calling us, he said we’ll need to go now and—“

She was stopped when I pulled open the door and Charl fell from it. Yes, he’s laying his back against the door again— his bad habit as I have said before.

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