Chapter 7 - Everything Changes Badly. (Part 2)

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Chapter 7 – Everything Changes Badly. (Part 2)

“I’m telling you, this is a bad idea.” I said.

I am on Pernbius’ tower, the one with the long staircase, elevator and millions of books. Eve Triters, and the other volunteers—except for Mark, because he’s still resting— are all with me, all of us are sitting on the wooden floor in front of Pernbius. Good news, he’s not wearing his Batman suit anymore, instead he wears his Viking armor.

We are seating in two lanes, first lane is compose of Kesley, me, Eve and Charl. Behind us are the other five guys I probably forgot the name except for Red.

“Why? Do you have a better one?” Pernbius opposed.

“No.” I admitted.

“Then we will stick with it.” He declared. “The ten of you will go and destroy Cibth.”

“Okay, so, how on Earth will we do that?” I asked.

“I think Daniel has a point. We don’t even know where Cibth is.” Kesley added.

“And we are going to battle gods.” Paul, the bald guy Kesley introduced me lately, commented.

“Plus, other unknown threats.” Charl put in.

“I know, I know.” Pernbius uttered. “I know that this is going to be a dangerous mission, that’s why I asked people to volunteer.”

“Said the guy who forced me to join and become a leader.” I murmured.

“Shut-up Daniel.” Red said from behind.

“First step, find Cibth.” Pernbius declared. “I know someone who knows where it is. His name is Harold Banners, prisoned in 38th Nome, London.”

“Egyptian sorcerers, again? Didn’t the last time we dealt with them cause us trouble?” Red interrupted.

“I agree, they almost have declared war against us.” Billy Litzars—Blitz, the guy who wears a student outfit and senior badge, added.

“Sorry newbies, but that’s our only hope.” Pernbius stated. “Anyway, Harold Banners is known for being wicked and psychotic. He knows about many things, and you can ask him whatever question you want. But before he answers you, you’ll have to do something. . .”

“What do they mean by 38th Nome?” I whispered, hoping someone to answer me.

“It’s somewhat like Xezath, but Egyptian sorcerers use it.” Eve whispered back.

“You mean, we are not the only sorcerers?

“Yes.” She replied. “Egyptian sorcerers never did fade away from history.”

“So, Egyptian gods are also . . . real?”

“Yes.” She said. “Egyptians gods are usually, aren’t threats, because, they can’t go into the mortal world without using a host.” She continued. “They are like souls who will need a body for themselves.”

“So, you mean, they can use my body anytime?” I asked.

 “It depends. They can only use animal bodies, or, a pureblood.” She declared.


“It is a person from the ancestry of a pharaoh. Just like Paul.”

“Paul. . .oh.” I said. “That’s why Pernbius give him a looks. So you mean Egyptian gods are with us?”

“Not all of them. Besides, it is dangerous to have a god inside you. It’s either you control him or he control you.”

“How come is that so?”

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