Chapter 3 - Never Try To Destroy A Power Source.

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  • Dedicated to Mathew Joeren C. Macaraeg

Chapter 3 – Never Try To Destroy A Power Source.

Let me describe her to you detail by detail. The monster is seven feet tall, her skin is made of green snake scales, and her lower part which is supposed to be legs are snake body. From waist up, she wears nothing, but her scales made sure she looks terrible, her hair is not hair, but green snakes who are tied in a nest, each are fighting each other, or maybe doing something, but most of them are hissing. Let me nickname her as—

“A Gorgon Serpent.” Red assumed, then he turns to look at me, “This is all your fault.”

“My fault?” I repeated. “

“Yeah.” He push me backwards, and I stumbled back. “You think you’re that important huh? You’re just a nerd, you can’t even fight.”

“It’s not my fault that the chest is a built-in monster releaser.” I argued.

“You opened the chest.” He said. “It is your responsibility.”

“I don’t even know what on Earth is happening, now you’re blaming it all to me?”

“Guys, I need your ears.” Kesley interrupted. “I’m going to seal the chest. The seal will prevent monsters from escaping for about an hour, enough time for us to deliver it to Xezath.”

“Xezath?” I asked.

“Yes Daniel, Xezath.” Charl confirmed.

“Buy me some time. It will take me for about thirty minutes.” Kesley declared.

 “If this nerd can fight, then he won’t be a problem.” Red commented.

“Red.” Kesley called. “Shut-up.”

“I’ve called back-ups, they will be here in few minutes.” Charl announced.

“Too late, the cops will arrive soon.” Mark stated.

“You guys have back-ups? Like cops or something?” I asked.

“We have better ones. Sorcerers.” Charl replied.

The Gorgon Serpent, who has been ignored for about thirty seconds slithered its way towards a large post, and tangle her snake body— which is supposed to be her legs— around it. She screamed at the mini-bar, releasing another wave of powerful sound, turning the whole mini-bar lunge into a great stone sculpture.

“Great, now we have another problem.” Mark muttered. “How are the police going to see that? A mini-bar suddenly becoming a stone sculpture?”

“That will be easy. I’ll just say it’s really a sculpture.” Charl promised.

“Then how about that waiter?” Mark asked. He pointed at the guy hiding under one of the mini-bar tables, turned into stone.

“We need mist sphere.” Kesley declared. “Charl, tell the back-ups to bring one.”

“Got it.”

Red charge at the serpent, Mark is trailing behind him, ready to blow some fireballs in case of emergencies. Their weapons are sparking with flame and electricity.

Kesley made her way towards the chest, she points her wand at it, and started chanting. A beam of light, a thinner version of it, hits the chest, and flows through its gaps. The writings in the chest glows bright white. Kesley close her eyes and started muttering words I don’t understand.

Charl is just in the corner , calling for backups, while me, I’m standing in here, wishing that everything goes fine. . . Wishing that everything will be alright, and backups will come.

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