Chapter 1 - My Ever Changing Life. (Part 2)

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  • Dedicated to Eloise Coleen Warguez

Chapter 1 – My Ever Changing Life. (Part 2)

“Daniel!” My mom called. “Are you wearing the tuxedo I gave you last night?”

“No mom. I’m wearing the gray polo-shirt you gave me last night.” I replied, fixing myself looking at the human-size mirror. “You never gave me a tuxedo.”

“Oh, sorry.” She replied.

I watch myself, as I comb my jet black hair in front of the mirror. I grab my glasses from my bed, and wear it in front of my dark, abyssal eyes. My face doesn’t look that ugly, or that charming if you’re going to ask me. I’m just the typical type of guy, not as handsome as Charl is.

I’m wearing a long brown detective-jacket-like jacket, over my gray polo shirt, black pants, and casual black shoes. If I have a hat you may call me a modern Sherlock Holmes or something, it’s just that he have poor eyesight.

Okay, if you’re wondering why I have a poor eyesight, well, let’s just say I illegally tested an experiment which I thought will work, but I failed, and the radiation causes my eyes to . . . um . . . I didn’t actually understand what happened, but they told me to wear these glasses.

“Oh. And, how about my birthday gift?” She asked.

“The awesome black watch? Of course I’m wearing it.” I said.

My room looks good. But when people takes a short gaze on it, my room looks like saying the-room-owner-is-a-complete-nerd directly. I have a bed, a small shelf as library, another shelf for action figures—I like action figures— and a lot of posters. No, hell not those “Belieber” or “One Direction” or “Taylor swift” or whatever pop icon posters, those are really idiotic. My posters are something like that “One Way Trip To Mars” poster, and “Iron man 2” poster, and “Vindicator 3000.” Also the “Rubiks Cube speed dial poster”, but most of them are posters of machines, robots, and other inventions that are completely awesome.

Okay, I’m not really a fan of poster-in-the-room thingy. It’s just that, mom gave me a “The Space Convention” poster, and she said that I should hang it in my room, then afterwards she gave me more and more and poof! My room is a poster room.

I walk out of my room, seeing mom packing my new backpack, thanks to Sophia. “Charl said he’ll meet you there at eight.” My mom said.


“McFloy’s Third Mansion, there is a Cheetah out there to drive for you.”

“A cheetah?”

“The car Daniel, not the animal.”

“Oh.” I responded, as I grab the backpack.

“Bye mom.” I kissed her on the cheek.

She kisses back. “Bye my dear.”

I run towards the door.

“Remember Daniel, be back before eleven.” She reminded.

“Of course mom.”


If I can be more bored than now, then I’ve probably died. I’m sitting in the edge of a fountain, waiting for Charl since he invited me to go into his dad’s birthday. He said he’ll be after me in a minute, and guess what, it’s been an hour and I found nothing. Not even Charl’s shadow.

If I have a choice I should have made plans on how to build a jetpack than being in here. No seriously. Planning how to build a jetpack no matter how much impossible is always fun and learning than wasting my time here.

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