Chapter 5 - I Meet Batman.

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  • Dedicated to Jailyn Carino

Chapter 5 – I Meet Batman.

“Wait.” I muttered, stopping Kesley. “I’ll do it.”

“You’re kidding right?” She grumbled.

I turn to look at the girl, she’s slowly walking towards us, making her way to the bottom of the stair case.

“You don’t know what she can do.” Kesley warned.

“It’s just water. You guys afraid of water?” I said, and I’m pretty sure I made my point in that sentence. “Yeah, I know she’s creepy.”

“Dude, she’s crazy. She has this, mental illness that attacks her, and she will suddenly go insane killing everyone in sight.” Charl explained. “Don’t worry about your funeral, I’ll manage all of the expenses.”

“Seriously dude?” I asked.

I climb the stairs, meeting up with the girl. “Um, are you okay?”

She didn’t respond. She just keeps on walking, and staring deeply in my eyes. For me, she looks like a zombie, or some kind.

After a nanosecond, the glowing of her eyes fades. The water tentacles on her back and water sphere on her hand loses control and drop down the ground. She loses consciousness and fall on my arms.


I’m a suddenly save her form falling.

Wow. How useful I am.

I thought I’m going to be in fight.


Forget it.

She’s wet, and great, now I’m wet too.  Her head is lying on my body, and her body is caught in my arms. Somewhat, I feel bad for the girl. I mean, she looks terrible and all.

I try to carry her, but I think she’s too heavy for a wimp like me. So I shift position, and carry  her behind my back. I think I’ll just bring her from where I came from, which is the Xezath hospital place or some kind.

“Are you guys going to watch me or you’re going to help me with her?” I asked, having a hard time trying to walk while carrying the girl through the stairs.

They are just staring at me completely. If you look at them, they look like surprised Patrick Star(from SpongeBob), their jaws are dropped and their eyes are widened.

“What?” I wondered. “Do I look like a zombie or something?”

“How did you do that?” Charl asked.


“You calmed her down just by looking at her.” Kesley responded.

“Dude, she just lose her consciousness.” I said.

“I have seen for like that for three months, she goes like that about five times, and all those five times, I saw how she calmed down. We need to tie her in ropes to keep her from doing magic, we also need to hurt her and more stuff.” He explained. “And you just go near her, and so suddenly she faints. Wow, what a great of you.”

“Thanks.” I said. “I’m just really that lucky.” I continued. “And awesome. . . “

“Um, Charl, get my baggage in my room.” Kesley ordered. “And, Daniel, are you sure you can carry her?”

After that sentence, I suddenly lose my balance. Don’t ask what happened next, it’s really embarrassing, really.


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