Chapter 12 - The Greek God of Epic Entrance.

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Chapter 12 – The Greek God of Epic Entrance.

My whole ears rings in the silence, darkness spread around my eyes. One moment, Ceprin was frying me with an electricity spell, then I saw a gnome explosion, I blacked out, and here I am.

Dust appears from the ground, followed by the grass, and a whole horde of monsters coming from a distance. The sky spread above, together with the clouds and sun which is starting to set. I grew some height, armor, and power. . .

This is the reality TV again.

Featuring Demexus and The Nope-nope Monsters from the I’ll Never Go There mountain.

They look like a pop-star fans swarming over their idol, and that idol, will be unfortunately me, Daniel, in the very form of the great and mighty Demexus, who is a completely retarded guy who thinks he can kill the gods.

I wish I’m still alive, just sleeping like what happened before. I wish Ceprin didn’t kill me, because I don’t want to be stuck in this dream forever. I can imagine myself doing that, I know that will be somewhat fun, but, what happen if Demexus die? I’ll just stay in his grave. . . Forever? As much as possible I’ll try not to think about that.

The battle surge in against the monsters and Demexus’ group. The whole scene approaches so realistic I’m trying my best to believe that it’s not real.

I wave my staff, a dragon made of fire came out from it. It moves like snake, and pass through monsters that instantly turn into black winds. I draw something in the air, a hieroglyph glowing black, as it fades, the monsters disappeared instantly, their winds form an emptied shape of a straight bullet. The ground is making sure that there’s really a large bullet pass through it.

I look up at a large flying dragon, where Zyramie, the white haired girl is flying. As I remembered, the dragon’s name is Veron, one of the pets I want. It flies down, breathes blue fire over the field, then is flatters up in the sky. It’s scale changes from red into bony black, and shots down into the ground like a falling meteor. I thought it was down when it flies up again, monsters are caught on its spiky scales.

I wave my sword to the left, slay the flying monster above me, summon a Frash, the pushing force spell, then follow it up with a dozen of Mesofaltas— beam of darkness. I move in a fast speed, something that the real me can never do.

I jump high, scream a spell that is too complicated to say, and thousands of lightning strikes up foes. Beside me, I saw a guy with a black sword— Pantheos. He just walking with his sword swinging like a kid playing without minding it, walking in a straight path and everything his sword touches turn into winds.

Black particles form around my feet, they lift me up, as I casted more spells, taking a view over the flying monsters like sphinx and gargoyles. They are being harassed by Aflar, the archer ranger guy. He throw off random arrows, which causes a lot of effects from monster to monster. Some instantly burn up, some choke for three second then fades, some exploded, and worse, some vomits worms, then it came out from their noses, in their eyes, until they burst spreading more worms around. Aflar salutes me for a second, then he got back into his job.

I did another spell too complicated for me to disscuss, and all of the monsters around a kilometre turns into black gales that disappears in a matter of seconds. The area is cleared, and only few of us are left.

“Hey, you spoiled the fun!” I heard Aflar screaming over me.

“You call that fun?” Pantheos argued.

Zyramie came crushing down from above with her dragon, Veron, turns into a dragonfly after Zyramie lands on the ground. Which is really awesome.

“Killing them are fun.” Aflar said, who is walking from a distance.

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