Chapter 2 - I Hate Hypnotizement

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  • Dedicated to Ar Chie

Chapter 2 – I Hate Hypnotizement

 My eyes can see everything, so clear so vivid, making it true that I actually see these things. Now, let’s get back to my choices. We both know how easy it is to choose C, which is run. But, me? I’m just the kind of guy who’s brain is under a complete panicking I can’t decide what to do.

Now, where do I run? Left? Right? Should I go back? Should I get the stick? I look from the left, right, seeing people knocking off the artifact cases, breaking glasses, letting the artifacts scatter around the floor. Now what? Run to an artifact and repair it? Put the artifact back? My heart beats like it’s on a marathon— or I’m watching a really scary movie.

I look front, seeing the large monster, dashing, biting his lips, clawing and hungry for flesh.

I take steps backward. Slowly, not knowing what to do, I keep on backing. Backing away, keeping my eyes with the monster.

I don’t know whether to run or fight or die. I remember Kesley said welcome to the real world. Maybe that includes magic powers and stuff. I point my finger on the monsters and yelled a spell, "Alakazam!" and Poof! Nothing happened. I thought that will work. . . That’s it. I’m hopeless.

Focus Daniel, Focus!

You can’t let him eat you!

You are smart! Plans Daniel plans!

You didn’t won three science conventions for nothing!

Think Daniel, think.

Mr. Skull Face— Yes, I decided to call him that is just meters away from me. I look around looking for Kesley. She knows about this things, she knows about this thing’s weakness, and power. . .Or maybe not? I saw her, she’s behind me all along. She’s dragging me back, which means I’m not backing away by myself. “Kesley, can you—“ I stop. I can’t believe what I see. I stared in amazement.


I look at her as a white wand appeared on her hand. It is as long as a barbeque stick, as thick as a pencil. A levitating transparent glowing sphere floats above the wand which looks like something as an energy releaser. She points it to the monster and yelled this word "Mesofalta!"

Her voice echoed through the mansion. The sphere above her wand glowed bright, spinning faster and faster, getting dazzling and magical, from the sphere, she releases a beam of blinding light. It’s thick as a refrigerator, brighter than an ordinary florescent light. It shots upon Mr. Skull Face’s face, blinding him, distracting him, losing his sight on me.

The beam of light disappeared, and I saw Kesley looking really terribly weak.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I’m, fine, I’m fine.” She whispered.

Mr. Skull face scrub his eyes, he seemed to be blinded with the spell, but I don’t think it will take that long. However, I have never seen something like that in my life. It is so awesome.

“So, now what?” I asked.

She hold my hand, and I feel like some sort of light, relaxing aura flows through my veins. She keep on holding it, the longer she do it, the lighter it feels. As she let go of my hand, I suddenly feel really, very, sleepy.

“I just borrowed some energy.” She stated, she looks okay again. “Now, snake-eater, get the book, and we are out of here.”

“What book? What snake eater?” I asked.

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