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She walked into the room, a yellow envelope set on the bed. She walked over reading it, starting to feel sick as she read every line more than once.

A million thoughts going through her mind, grabbing the first suitcase she begins to toss what belongs to her that could fix.

The kitchen was dark, as she placed the paper with her ring on the counter.

The sound of his voice started her; the lights came on soon after.

"Britain what are you?" he stopped talking.

she hand to find the strength to face him and God knows it was hard.

With her back to him  she could hear the paper being picked up as the ring hit the countertop.

After a couple of seconds, she founds the strength to face him, and when she did the pale white look on his face told her everything.

Copyritght©2018Melain Rein. All rights reserved

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