chapter 6

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I listen to whatever excuse that Mr. Knight could come up with on the phone. Phone, I was frustrated and beyond mad.

He told me little things about his daughter but not the main thing the big picture was that she didn't have an arm; well half of an arm, that's beside the point does he know that it can ruin my image yet alone my fathers, if I should take her out like this, oh boy paparazzi would eat this up.

"Listen Blake, it's not that bad, we have been trying to get her," I cut him off.

"NO, you listen, everything has change. I will not and I repeat will not marry your daughter." I hang up the phone,

Not even two minutes later my phone rung, looking at the caller idea, I saw it was my father, I was just going to let it ring, but then again I decided to answer.

"What the "He** is wrong with you Blake? I thought we had a deal, we agreed on this, you just can't call it quits." He says low and threating through the phone.

"Dad, are you even going to listen to what I have to say?" I asked

"I don't give a da* what you have to say, you better make things right or the deal is off." The line went dead.

Just then and idea came to mind, yes my father would be mad. However, it would do me justice. 

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