chapter 3

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The next morning, I got up and got dressed, heading down to the kitchen I see my mom fixing a plate.

I kissed her on the cheek grabbing the water she already opened and placed on the counter for me.

Setting down at the table, she placed the plate in front of me, and she took her place on the opposite side, picking up her coffee and taking a sip, takes a bit out the bacon.

"Where's dad I?" I asked looking around, "he left for work early this morning," my mother then takes a bite out of her own food.

"Your dressed really pretty today, do you plan on going anywhere?" I sallow what food was in my mouth,

"Well, Denise and I are going to, to find paint and things to go with the building.


"Well that's nice honey, she says taking another sip out the cup.

"Mom would you like to come with us."

I asked seeing a smile come on her face.

"Oh, no honey I wouldn't want to intrude on you girls fun." She explains, "Mom come on you won't and besides the place will need a mother touch. I say making her smile. "Okay then let me go get my purse," she says running to the room. At the same time the doorbell sounded,

I went to the door opening it.

I see Denise and Robin.

"Hi" Denise says, I hope you don't mind if Robin tags alone."

"Its fine, I respond my mom will be joining us as well if it's not too much trouble, I inform Denise,

"Of Couse you know it is okay, she replies.

Holding the door open so they could come in the heat from the outside hit me and I knew it was going to be a hot day. I pull the beret off my arm with my teeth; I turn to let Denise put my hair in a ponytail.

My mother came in the room, "I'm ready" she says.

She notices Robin, given her a warm smile.

Mom this is Robin Straight," I introduce

"Hi it's nice to meet you Robin, you are a very beautiful young woman and you look very familiar, would you by chance happen to know an Erik Straight," my mother asked.

Robin smiled nodding "yes that's my father,"

"oh, I went to school with him, how is he?" my mother asked smiling, "he is doing very well, considering it has been a while since my last visit Robin said. I actually just moved back last month, i went to collage two years ago but never finished my trade."

"I'm sorry to hear that, my mother awes, "what were you taking up?"

"Drama" Robin replies.

"Well I'm just so excited my sons are coming home to visit." My mother says jumping up and down like a little child.

"Don't mind her she always doses this when she hears they are coming home." I say

"Come on mom lets go, I look the door behind me and we all head to Denise truck.


After so many stories, I was ready to give up. With ever store we investigated they did not have the paint I wanted or the furniture, I was beginning to question myself was this a good idea?

The frustration must have shown on my face because Robin was by my side. "Why are you looking so down and depressed?" she asked eating her ice cream cone.

"I'm starting to think am I doing the right thing, like what will people get out of this if they come to a book store, where they sale old books, new, old, and used."

Robin continued eating not saying anything. Then she spoke. "Why did you want a Book store in the first place?" she asked.

"Well to sale books and to have a bakery so my mom can bring in more customers, Instead of the little shop, she has now.

"Okay then, then you is doing this for you and your mom?" she asked.

"Yes," I node.

"Then it shouldn't matter what people think, I had to learn this lesson the hard way. Therefore, what you do is help us pick out this paint and furniture, so we can eat because I am starving.

I laugh, following behind her. 

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