Untitled Part 17

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There was a knock on the door, without an answer Maxton walks in chewing on candy, he had a big smile on his face that made me curious, "You ready to go, sis" he asks with a mouth full of candy,

I look him up and down, and I cannot help but smile. "Tell me who she is?" he did not say another word but walk away leaving me laughing.

As we drove to my appointment, we were stopped by a red light, looking out the window that is when I saw it, pulling out my phone that is when I snaped a quick picture of the little pink beetle car,

As we moved, I dwell in my thoughts, a girl like me married to Blake, Roberts this had to be a dream, the car came to a stop, and Jeffery opened the door, she thanked him walking into the building,

As me and my brother wait to be called back, he was typing away on his phone, I was just about to say something when my name was called. Heading to the back it was the same girl from last time, August I believe was her name.

She should us to the room and just like last time she was trying to gain Maxton attention which was not working that well. I hit hi once she turns her back, and he gives me that what he** look, pointing my head towards the girl, he looks at her frowning up his face going back in his phone, at this point I give up, or wounder is my brother interested in girls. As August was leaving, she lost her footing, falling forward, before she could even hit the floor, she was saved by Maxton, her arms wrapped around his neck as he hands held her from the back, it was a beautiful sight to see not until his phone beeped, then he dropped her.

I would be lien if I say that was not funny, Maxton walked out the door with the phone to his ear Augusts got to her feet brushing her uniform off, I apologized for my brother. But She just brushed it off like everything was fine. Soon after she left, the doctor comes in smiling.

"Well, Mrs. Roberts, if you would follow me, I did as I was told and went to the same room as last time, there sit the man with the white hair. Holding something in his hand, "What is that?' 'Well, my dear, he holds it up for me to take a closer look. "this is your gift, and he soon asked to see my arm he placed the mechanic arm on my missing one, 'this does not look like the one I picked, 'well the one you picked was to insure for you, this one should be right up your ally, and this is a cover you can slip over it, it will take some time to get used to.' I watch as the doctor strapped the arm on, and I already felt like a normal person, after a moment of trying to teach me, he let me go, saying if I have any questions just call. I thank him, heading back out to the front to find Maxton, there standing in front of me was helping me wasn't Maxton, "Blake, I sequel, people in the watching the whole scene. He should that dimple smile.

"Thank you" because I knew without him I wouldn't be getting all of these things, everything in sight seen to=o fade away, but him and I he held me close as he looked in my eyes, as he held me I could see something shiny in his hand, 'Blake, what's that?' looking down at the object, as I feel a stab with pain in my stomach stubbing away, I couldn't believe he would do something like this.

'Will I Ever Love You?' was the words that came from his lips.

Sudden I awaken, my eyes trying to adjust to the bright light, there I see a woman beside me as she checks something that looks like an IV.

"What happened,' she smiles, 'welcome back, you fainted two days ago, let your husband tell it you were happy, and said thank you, and after that you passed out, I'll let the doctor know that your awake.' She walks out. And not that much late the doctor came in, 'nice to see that your awake Mrs., Roberts, I just want to ask you a few questions, from your history, you were undergoing treatment?'

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