Chapter 2

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Riding looking for good building can be a little exhausting, as I look out the window, I stop a big brown building,

"STOP!" I yelled making Denise slam on the breaks, That's it I tell Dense as she slowly glances my way giving me a are you kidding me look, once we pull up to the parking spot, I couldn't wait to the car stopped I literary jumped out. Walking up I pick inside to see that the place hasn't been open in years on the count of all the dust that set on the window ceils

My phone rings looking at the screen I see that it was my dad.

"HI princess, he greeted me,

"Hi dad," I responded

"What are you doing honey?" he asked

"Well I and Denise were just looking for a building, yea it's this great building on 5th street that I really like, by the size of it I best it coast and arm and leg." I respond pushing the phone closer to my ear.

"Well that's nice dear; I was just telling you that I will be home late from work, so tell your mother to don't wait up." "Okay dad I will tell her." He hangs up. "Okay sweeties have a nice day?" Bye dad I respond hanging up. "Do you see a contact number anywhere?

"I ask Denise looking on ever window. It was not a good five minutes, when a small yellow car pulled into one of the empty spots. A light skinned woman with wild curly hair that came to her shoulders. The woman retreated from the car and approached Denise and I.

"I'm so sorry she says, my grandfather called at the last minute, saying that we have a buyer for this building." She says trying to catch her breath

"oh, yes, we would like to look at the place." The woman smiled fishing for the right key to open up the building.

When she found the key she let us inside to absorb the place, it was very much bigger inside then it looks on the outside, and it looks to be in great shape. The woman and Denise were engaged in a conversation, I did not to disturb them so I decided to walk out back, it was a decent size for a backyard, but it looked like it would need a lot of work cutting the grass.

The woman came and stood beside me, this was my favorite spot to go when I was younger. "I look at her, "I'm sorry my name is Robin, Robin Straight "she holds out her hand and I gladly take it. " Well it's nice to meet you Robin, I'm Britain and this is Denise." 'oh, I know your friend told me who you were, like I was telling your friend, I grew up here when I was younger, my Granddad owned this building, it was a little store where people could get food, even cloths. "Robin finished.

What was the name?" I asked "Randy and Bettys Market." She responds.

"So what happed, why does he want to seal it?" I ask curious "He had no one to run it when he was getting older, then the people just stopped coming." She shrugged the thought away. I decide to not push ant farther, well how much will the building be?" and could I make down payment?

Robin shack her head from side to side that will not be necessary. She say, frowning "and why not?" I really wanted to know was too late, did someone buy the building before me. "The place has already been sold," she says handing over the keys to me, I was shocked, I heavy weight knocked me over, I can't breathe Denise!" shouting to the top of my lungs as she squeeze me tighter.

"You did it Brit you did It.!" She says not losing her grip.


After Mr. Knight left his office, Mr. Roberts thought long and hard before he called his son Blake to meet him in the office.

Blake was his only son and soon he will be talking over the company. However, he wanted his son to settle so that he could really be trusted with the responsibility of the business.

That is if he can be mature enough to have a wife.

He know his son couldn't lean to settle down even if his life dependent on it, sleeps with many different women who are far was a part of his nature.

Bring marriage material he knew was out of the question for his son.

That is why, he made an arrangement, he knew his son would not disapprove of, If he wants the Company to be handed down to him he must agree.

5:00pm soon rolled around and there was a knock on the door, Lily walked in, informing me that his son was here, he thanked her, as she walks out. Moments later Blake comes in, wearing sweet pants and a black tee shirt,

Not looking a pit professional.

"Sit Blake," his father says taking a sit of his own.

Mr. Roberts shakes his head.

"Couldn't you have dressed, better then what you're wearing now, don't you know you are going to run this company one day so at least act like it."

Blake looks at his father, well today was unexpected call from you and all my suits are in the cleaners, anything else you would like to know dad?" "Now that you asked, Blake there is something I would like to disuse with you," Mr. Roberts gets out his sit and walks around his office, "so you know I'm not getting any older, and I need someone who's trust worthy to ruin my business and not into the ground."

"What do you mean trust worthy?" black asked sitting upwards.

I'm your son aren't I"? And you can't trust me to run your company."

His father gives him a blank look.

"I will trust my so called nephew Drew, before I could hand it over to you."

Like a slap in the face.

"You know I do believe you and the old man wish he really was your son?" Blake was now out his seat,"

"Oh, clam down Blake, we never said that, I and your Grandfather never blamed you, we blamed that Mother of your why you are the way you turned out." His father turns to him.

"You really think I can't handle it, i was top in my class and you sent me to the best college to study business for more than four years, and you telling me that you can't trust me. Blake says to his father,

His father looks at him, "Unless" he says rubbing his chin.

"Unless what?" Blake was cruses know.

Grabbing a packet, his father sled it across the table him. 

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