Chapter 18

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Days went by and the man cave was finished, and I hoped that he liked it as much as I did, there was a bar with leather sofas, me explain would be a wait of time you would have to see it for yourself, running around I had to get everything ready for today, it was the pray and the house was roaming with so many different people, I try to talk to them but they all were talking and having their own conversation, not listing to me, just then I got an idea, pulling out the phone I dial Blake number. The phone did not get a full ring when he picked up. "yes Barbie,"

"Blake I'm sorry to bother you but the party starts less than an hour and the helpers are not listen to me.' He tells me to put the phone on speaker. His voice boomed throw the room, getting every one's attention, "Listen, if my wife want's something done you do it with no hesitation, you do it and do it right, if she ever has to call me again for anything, reassured that I will have all your names and your Jobs! Am I understood?' With that, I take the phone off speaker, "thank you honey that will be all, ending the call, for the rest of that day I did not have any other problems from them,

Denise comes in with a little boy and I could I already see the resembles of Drew, as the boy smiled with his missing teeth in the front,

"Desman" she says smiling. Desman this is mommy's best friend Britain," he looks at me, waving, then Hezekiah comes running through the room like a racing horse with Robin right behind him. Coming straight "Robin what are you doing?" I laugh as Hezekiah move in my arms trying to get away from Robin.

She holds up a party hat, "Every time I put it on him, he pulls it off." She says sounding annoyed, I laughed tries again and he moves. "fine have it your way," after she leaves, I put him back on the floor and he takes off.

Chapter Sixteen

The party soon started, while everyone was having a good time could you tell me why I started to miss Blake. Somewhere in between the party there was a knock on the door, I open to see, my Luaus, jumping up for joy I gave him a hug he returned, right beside him was a girl that about the same age as I was but her hair was a lighter brown, she smiles as I turn to her, 'I'm glad someone snagged him he had me a little worried for a moment there.' The girl laughs as I move so they can come in. I watched eat and drunk punch, the time was good, just then there was a knock on the door, opening I see Blake standing, there, he gives me his dimple smile, as I jump into his arms,

That is when I saw Drew and a Man with white hair standing right behind him, I look at the man and at Blake who seem to do say anything. at the door.

Everyone was too busy to notice the man, just then Denise came out holding the cake, looking around, she saw something, or some one that made her stop. The cake wobbled in her hand, as Robin took it from her.

Denise's mother and father were on their feet walking over to their Daughter, at the way things were going, it was no good,

'um everyone could you please follow me to the back, so that we can open up the gifts.'

My mother says, only leaving Drew the man Denise her mother and father and Blake and I, Drew eyes remained on Denise, and by the way it looked I could tell that it was not good. His hair was in a mess and I could tell that he ran his hand throw it more than once.' When everyone was out the house, the man begins to speak.

'Nice to see you all again, I see that we have matters to discuss.' 'we don't have anything to discuss, Carter,'

That is where your wrong, Clarence,' this matter is between my son and your daughter. "we have nothing to say, and we do not have nothing to discuss with you" Denise's mother says, "Heather it's so nice to see you again," Mr. Carter says. "But we do" He reaches into his breath case and pulls out a picture, turning it around so we all could see it, the photo showed a much younger younger Denise in the hospital with a baby in her arms, "Where did you get that?" her mother yelled.

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