chapter 8

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Staring at myself in the full size mirror my mother brush out my wedding dress, "I can't believe this is happening to me," I start crying and not tears of Joy either. "Oh honey." my mother said "this will all get better, just trust God he knows what his doing,"

At this point, I wanted to tell her to shut up; this was not in God's will for me to get married and against my will. I could not stop thinking about the morning when my father told me that I would be Marrying Mr. Roberts son.

My brothers cut my father off, on the count that it was his fault that I was in this predicament.

A knock on the door sounded pulling me away from my thoughts, Robin ran to the door to see who it was, Miss Tenner, my mom best friend came inside holding a small box in her hand.

"You're so beautiful," she says handing the box to my mother.

Miss. Tenner was like a second mother to me she did not have any kids of her own just a son she adopted. Moreover, he is my best friend. It was upsetting that he could not make it to the wedding; it was short notice after all.

"That dress is Beautiful," she says telling me to span around so she could see me front and back. My dress was simple not much of a fairy tale my hair fell in curves down my back. Miss Tenner looked up and smiled as she took the box from my mother. She opened it pulling out a beautiful neck less.

"I want to give this to you, since you are like a daughter to me, my mother gave this to me and I want you to have it," she says smiling at me. I turn around so she could put it around my neck. I look at myself one last time hearing a knock at the door

My father stood waiting; at first, I was mad at him for not telling me and putting me through so much, but in the end. I forgave him. I walk over to him kissing him on the cheek, "are you ready Pumpkin," he asked

I node, not really much to say I am marrying a man I do not even know, better yet I do not even love.

Blake did not want a big wedding so it was mostly friends and family the music begin to play as the doors open, I made my way down the aisle to God's Greatest Gift by Kelli Williams and Chris Willis. In addition, whoever picked the song I wanted so badly to hit them.

With every step I took, slowing my paste, as my father pulled me alone. Coming to a stop, my dad let go of my hand carefully placing it in Blake's.

it was feeling that came over me. I look up at him throwing the vial wondering does he feel it to but his face held no expression.

I looked at his tall figure all dressed in a black suit, with a white shirt and pink tie, it suited him.

The rest of the service went by quicker than i thought it would ever go. After we said our vows, I was so lost in my train of thought that my vial was being pulled back from over face. I looked in to his eyes before his lips were on mine he did not kiss me, more like a peck, and then he pulled away.

The crowd clapped as I smiled sweetly and wave, The reception was nice; the cake was amazing my mother and Miss tanner picked it out with cupcakes on the side for the kids,

I sat and watched as all the people laugh and dance, having a good time. Feeling a present sit beside me, I did not even bother looking to see who it was.

"Nice wedding little sister,"

"Paxton!" I yell jumping up hugging him

"How, when did you get here I didn't see you?"

He shows off his beautiful smile.

"Do you really think that I would miss your wedding," he says still hugging me.

I smile "do you want some cake or anything," I ask?"

"Nan maybe later," he waves me off.

"I come to give you your her first dance."

He held his hand out for me to take. "now you know that I'm a terrible dancer," I say taking his hand.

"Just follow my lead." He laughs, as he leads us to the dance floor. The song Perfect by Ed Sheeran began, as I walked to the floor with my brother. I felt many eyes on me putting my arm around his neck as we danced to the song.

the lights deemed and we were in the spotlight, laughing as Paxton spins me around, he spines me two more times when I feel myself being spinet into another person's arms as I come to a stop focusing on the person, I look up to see my other brother,

"Maxton," I jumped up and down and all he did was smile.

I know you're thinking how can I tell them apart well Paxton hair looks like he always runs his hands throw it,

While Maxton on the other hand hair is always more tamed and his a pretty boy,

He spins me around and I followed his lead as we danced, not soon after, many people started dancing, I danced with Drew, and Denise brother, Jeremy my night was perfect and it could not get much better than this. 

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