Chapter 13

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I put the note on the table. Lying back on the bed, I really did feel alone and the only person I wanted to talk to was not here beside me.

Days came and went and today was Thursday, Blake should be back in a couple of days, it really does get lonely.

I laugh to myself when Maxton took me to my appointment.

We waited in the waiting room into the woman called me back.

I look over to Maxton who was so engaged in his phone.

"spssss. I say trying not to be noticed, he looked at me.

"isn't she one of the bride maids from the wedding?"

I asked trying to be sure.

He glanced at her, "yea, I believe so, she was the one that the bee kept following."

And just like that he was back in his phone.

The girl smiled as she walked back in, sneaking peaks at my brother.

Who was not paying her any mind?

When she walked back out the second time, I hit with my purse.

"Britain I sure disable or not, I will hang your upside down if you hit me again.

"can't you see."

'See what?' he asked clueless

'she so into you.'

The girl comes back in the room smiling, not to mutation she looked at Maxton. When she turned her back towards him, he made face, and that was the not my type face. Well at least I tried.

'my name is August, she introduces herself to us, more to Maxton.

When Maxton did not respond, I hit him getting his attention, he groaned in pain.

'well, it's nice to meet you August, I tell her.' As she leaves the room.

When the door closed, I could not help but laugh, as Maxton rubbed the spot I hit.

'if you weren't a girl, or my sister I would call you all out your name.' he said still rubbing the spot.

'like I told you before, the girl is into you, if you would just pay her attention, maybe you will get laid, 'hey my personal life isn't your problem and what do you know about getting laid.'

The door opened before I could answer my brother.

In came the doctor, looking over my chart.

she was in her early fifties she smiles walking in.

"Hello Mrs. Roberts, she says shacking my hand, your husband called me.'

I raised my brow, 'oh he did?' it was just yesterday that he told me that he was not my husband, well he really did not say that, but to my ears it was something like that.

She node reaching for my arm that I happy let her touch. She examined for a moment looking back at the chart writing something down.

Before leaving the room, she has only gone for.

, popping her head in 'Well Mrs. Roberts if you don't mind coming back with me.'

I hope off the table, with my brothers help, following behind the woman, I walk down the hall into a room seeing an elder man waiting for me, he stands up allowing me to sit, as my brother stood.

"well how are you doing today Mrs. Roberts,' he took his sit,

'I'm doing good Doctor.'

He pulls out a book placing it in front of me.

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