chapter 4

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I still cannot believe I agreed to this, the sooner this is over the sooner I can get on with my life. I walk into the small café shop, looking around I see one table pushed to the side and two older couple siting having a conversation, I look around to see a woman working by herself, her hair was a light brown and she was on big boned short side. She looks up from what she was doing, giving me a warm smile, one I did not return.

"May I help you?" she asked

"Yes, I was wounding is your Husband Mr. Knight hear?" She laughed, at something I did not find quite funny.

"Oh no, I'm not Mrs. Knight she didn't come into day, and Mr. Knight his at the office." She says smiling

The office? I question myself, I could have sworn that Mr. Smith laid many of his employees off and Mr. King if I recall was one of them.

"Would you like me to tell him that Mr...." she tread off as if was about to give her my name.

"No thank you, that won't be necessary." I tell her, "Have a nice day ma 'ma" I give her a form node making my way out the door.

Moments later, I pulled up to my father office, it was somewhat late and half of the staff has gone home, heading towards his office.

I catch a glams of my father sectary her legs were crossed and the short skirt, that barely went to her knees were more than I could handle, wondering to myself why is she still here at this time of day.

She cast me a seductive look as I walked past her.

Without knocking, I burst into his office.
"And there he goes the man of the hour," he says out load to the person which was sitting in the chair facing my father's desk.

The man stands up as I come in, holding out his hand "it's so nice to meet you," he says, "and thank you for giving my daughter a chance,"

His what? I had to think twice at what he just said,

"Mr. Knight the pleaser is all his, I'm pretty sure that he will treat your daughter like the Angel she is."

My father say, giving me a daring gear.

Oh, this must be Mr. Knight; I put on my best smile. "It's no problem my father has told me so much about you and your family," I say sitting on the top of my father desk, which he gratefully pushed me off.

"So tell me more about your daughter. I say to him take a seat back on his desk.

"Well she's my pride and joy, my princess, when she was born we almost lost her, but she serviced, he says smiling,

At the age seven she was denoted with a brain tumor, when the doctor removed it, he told us that it shouldn't come back and we believed him,

However, it did not stay that way. On her 12th birthday, she was rushed to the hospital the tumor has returned, but the only thing was that it was bigger than the last.

Therefore, what her mother and I did was take her to the best of the best to have the operation. In addition, she did, but she would have to be watch carful to see if any signs will return. And for the past eleven years that's what we have been doing she has to get checkup regular but as of know the tumor is gone, he stopped talking"

And I guess it was my time to speak, is there anything else I need to know?" I asked seeing what else Mr. Knight has to say.

"Not so much that I can tell you, she does have a lot of medical bills, some are past overdue, on the count that she has no medical insurance." I node, "I told my father I would help you take care of that and to make sure your daughter is well taken care of, and I will up hold that promise. I dug into my wallet and pulled out a blue card, it did not have my name, all it said was VIP in sliver letters, handing the card to him. "Every time she buys or uses the cared it will notice me and I will take care of the bills," I tell him as he takes the card from my hand, him the card, "I can't thank the both you enough for helping me and my family."

Mr. Knight Raises out his chair but my Father stops him, "tomorrow night, I will send a car to pick your daughter up, it's a big celebration and my son will escort your daughter. He smiles nodding his head closing the door behind him.

I waited a moment into he was truly gone,

"What he** Dad!"

Will he ever love me?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant