chapter 10

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I found a nearby table trying my best to hide my disappointment that Blake did not ask me to dance, just then Robin sits beside me with a piece of cake. "Spill," she says taking a bit. "Spill what?" I asked.

"Oh come on it's all over your face; you may be able to hide it from the rest of the world but not me,"

I did not answer her right away, but from the side of my vision, Robin frizz is up, dropping the cake. Turning my full glaze on her, she looks like she just seen a Ghost. "Robin," I call out, getting a reaction from her.

She looks at me and looks down at the mess she made. She moves out her seat, starting to pick it up.

"Britten your wedding was beautiful, but I think I'm going to go" she gets up, grabbing her things quicker than I ever seen her, before she could make it to the exist my mother stops her.

"Come on girls we have to take pictures, did she lose her mind she knows I hate taking pictures. She returns a look one of her own.

Rising from my seat, I follow her. One hundred or more pictures later, I excused myself. Going to go find Blake, I searched in the place where I knew a possible he could be, but I came up short.

The last place I looked her was not there, I decided that I would check the roof,

Making my way up the dark Spiro stairs; into I reach a heavy metal door.

Once I got the door opened I Pushing with all my might, I place a rock in front so it would not locked me out.

The rocks crushed under my hells as I searched for Blake but he was not here either.

The wind started to pick up, blowing up a storm. Making my way back the door slammed shut,

I giggled the handle to find it locked.

"Help someone help?" I yelled, knowing no one could not hear me. The sound of thunder came, that had me about to jump out my skin. When there is thunder, a heavy rain started pouring down, that's when I really lost it, banging on the door, with my hand kicking and scramming hoping someone would hear me.

I gave up when I banged to my hand bleed and my voice horse.

The rain has not lighting up yet, this is the worst day of my life, I slide with my back facing the door. Tears silence fell from my eyes mixing with the rain, and then my vision went black.

Strong arms wrapped around me and lifting me up, I could hear a lot of commotion in the background as a warm blanket was thrown over me. My mother yelling, asking Blake what happened to me.

i was placed in a car, where the warmth felt good on my cold wet skin. The door slammed and all I head was silences, I close my eyes once more the same time the driver side door opened.

There was a moment of silence, before I heard him speak.

"I could tell you were going to be trouble the moment I saw you." He says more to himself.

I do not utter a word as the sound of the car starts and he drives off.


The smell of eggs woke me. Looking at my surroundings, I was in an unfamiliar place.

The room was plain white; the sofas were light gray with a nice looking chandler hanging from the ceiling.

The room was much bigger then my old one, getting out of bed, I see that I'm in nothing but a tee shirt, wounding to myself what happed last night, making my way towards the door, looking out I see many different doors wondering to myself how in the world am I going to find my way to the kitchen.

Moments later, I walk in to the kitchen seeing a woman she turned around almost dropping the plate in her hand, "Oh my goodness, you scared me," she says holding her chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you, it smells so good down here, I say laugh to myself.

The woman place the plate in front of me, it was eggs, bacon, grits, bisects, with ham.

My mouth watered not waiting any longer I dug in.

"Um miss, what happened yesterday?"

She gave me a smile, "call me Malinda, yesterday after you were done taking pictures, you out I'm assuming looking for Mr. Roberts, everyone was having a good time, not realizing you were gone, but I did." She smiles at me.

You were gone for quite a bit. That made me a little concerned.

I was just about to go fetch Mr. Roberts when he came back, looking around the crowed, I told him that you went out but, and have not returned that is when he pulled your brothers and his friend to go search for you.

Mr. Roberts was the one who found you passed out on the roof.

He wrapped you in his jacket and carried you out. I changed you and put you to bed." She tells me. I sighed in relief. He did not see me naked so where is Blake?" I asked looking around.

"He had to the office early this morning; he should be back around 6:00 pm tonight." She tells me I node "Okay, so what am I support to do while his away?" take another bit of food.

"Well Mr. Roberts gave you his card to go shopping as you please," she slides the card with his name in sliver on the counter

I slide it back to her, "I don't like shopping." I tell her with a straight face. And beside if I want to go shopping I have a card of my own, I don't need his money." I give her a smile, if you will excuse I think I may go to the shop today. I make my way up stairs to get dressed.

Once I was done i headed out the door to see a car parked in the drive way and a man holding the door opened for me.

"Mrs. Roberts" he says as I slide in the back seat. I will never get use to the new name change.

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