chapter 7

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We spent more than an hour looking for a perfect dress, and I was lucky when I found the perfect one.

Next was the solon to get my hair did, my mother still have not spoken a word and it was worrying me.

After we got everything we needed we headed back to the house to get ready.

When I was done, I looked in the mirror at myself to see a very beautiful young woman,

The dark blue dress brought out my eyes, and went perfect with my straight hair.

My smile soon faded when I look down at something on my body that was not there.

I shooed the thought away when I see my friend Denise come out in a red dress and her hair pined up with some falling around her face.

"She came over to me, you look very beautiful," she tells me.

"The same goes for you." I reply

"Well, I hope you don't mind if I tag alone, at the last minute your father thought that you might need company, so Mr. Roberts thought invited me to come.

"I'm happy that you're coming alone,"

I say as we both head out to the waiting car, as we reached the car a very tall and muscular person held the door open for us.

Denise slid in first and I was right behind her, he closed the door behind him as he sat next to me.

I was nervures so I start to fettle with my dress, not wanting to look up at the other person sitting across from me.

"Hi" I look up to the person that has spoken.

"My name is Drew," "is a pleaser to meet you drew, I'm Britain" I held my hand out to shack his.

"No the pleaser is all mine," he says placing a kiss to the back of my hand.

I tried not to blush, but I knew I was red as a tomato.

I look over to Denise and I saw something cross her face, but before I could really catch what it was, she put on a masked face turning away looking out the window.

For the rest of the ride it was nothing but pure silence my back begin to hurt sitting in the same position for two long,

I set up in the seat twisting from side to side but it was no hope.

"Are you alright?"

Drew asked with concern in his voice.

"I should be fine when I get out and stretch." I insured him

Moments later the car pulled to a stop.

I lifted my head up to see the person across from me see Robert, He has not said noting the whole ride.

He looks at me and I could sure that I see the don't mess with me warning come across his stare, before he turns to Drew.

Listen and listen well when the car comes to a complete stop and the doors open, Drew you walk with her on your arm and I will take Denise if someone comes up to you don't say anything unless I or Drew present am I understood?"

"Wait a minute" Denise protested, so your just using us so your images will look good!" more like a statement then an question. "I should have known that you guys would never change," she sat back in the seat crossing her arms over her chest.

"Would you calm down E's and listen to us for a second," Dew shouted.

"Your second is up and don't you tell me to calm down." She raised her voice

"Would both of you be quite, Robert yelled, the door to the car flew open.

Roberts stepped out with Denise right behind him.

The lights were bright and I heard all the yelling from unknown people.

Drew was heading out he turns to me, I know he must of seen the fear on my face, he held his hand out waiting for me to take it, I sucked in a deep breath putting my hand in his, he pulled me out gentle in to I stood in front of hundreds of people.

The lights were flashing, and questions were being thrown at us from left to right.

Drew pulled me closer into his side, as he walked me down to the end of the wall.

He soon turned me lose backing away, letting me have my own spot light.

I begin to panic, as people started talking pictures

I stayed calm and smiled, a relief came cover me when came for me walking me to the side, so someone else could stand and take picture.

Then all my happiness fell when I look down to my missing arm. Drew must have felt the shift in the air.

He lifted my head so I was looking at him "don't worry your still beautiful even with a missing arm."

I give him a warm smile, but from the corner of my

View, I see Denise looking a bit upset.

I wander what has gotten into her.

This was not like a party I ever been to more like a classic upper class one, everyone was talking and sipping on their sham pain, or wine. Denise and I were left alone; most of the party, which I rather enjoyed, but the snakes on the trays they were to die for. At some point, we found a sofa in the lobby and made ourselves comfortable.

Looking over to the side table, there seat a clock, the time read 10:30 pm, and I wonder how they forgot about us. The people around us got lesser as the time got later. Denise was fast asleep with her head on my shoulder. I was feeling sometime of way, that I was brought to this place and left alone. I sniffed the tears that were treating to slip out

"Are you okay?"

Someone asks, I look around to find out where the voice was coming from. When I saw that no one was there, I knew that I had to be going crazy I sat back in the chair, closing my eyes. Then I heard laugher, my eyes shout open, looking around to find the lobby empty. "Okay Britain you're losing it?" I say aloud to myself. "I'm right next to you Beautiful." The voice says again. "Where," I ask, "It's a little speaker under the side table. He states. "Oh." I say not really knowing what to say, "How are you enjoying the party?" he asked, "well, the party is good especially the little hotdogs rapped in the bread, and the little sandwiches.

Oh and don't get me starting on the crackers was that sugar on them, that was delicious." I say

"The person laughs again.

"Well I try my best to keep my guest entertained and filled up." The person on the speaker says.

But the party would have been better if our dates wouldn't have left us alone," I told him truthfully

He was quite for a moment, I thought he have must left.

Then he spoke, "Well, how about this the next time you come, I will save the last dance for you and your friend." when he said what he did, my heart felt all warm inside. "You got yourself a deal." I replied before I fell asleep.

I woke up in my room, getting out the bed, wondering to how I got here. Heading down to the kitchen, I stopped when I heard my father and a man talking. It was hard to make out what they were saying so I walked in, and the convention between them stopped. I walk out to see my farther and a man getting ready to leave. The man stopped to look at me.

"Dad what's going on, and where's mom?" I looked at the clock that read 1:30 in the morning.

The man with black hair stared at me as I asked my dad these question.

"Thank you for everything Matt."

The man walked out the door but not before taking one last glace at me. Why does he keep looking at me?

"Dad" I say, as my father closed the door looking at me.

"Dad what's going on?"


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