Chapter 15

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Somehow, I feel asleep, after the doctor came in late last night, looks over me, saying that most of my ribs were bruised from the fall, on top of that I had a sprung wrist, after the doctor wrapped my wrist, he gave me medication to help me sleep,

The next morning, I wake up looking around the room, the room was different from the others, it had a big screen tv as the bed was much bigger than a king size bed.

Malinda walked in just as I was about to get up, 'Mrs. Roberts what are you doing?' she puts the try on the bed, coming over to help me out the bed.

'Mr. Robert told me not to let you get out of bed for anything he wants everything to be brought to you.'

'who told him?' I ask cutting my eyes at her. She held her hands up in defense.

"I didn't say a thing, she laughed, "Jeffery" I mumbled, I finished eating my food and Malinda took my tray, as soon as Malinda left out the I watched a little television the Curtin pulled back and I see Denise pick her head in, "Where have you been, you rat?" she smiles coming to sit on the bed,

'I haven't seen you in weeks and know you show up.'

All she could do was smile, 'I haven't missed much, you like hell,' she smiles, 'I sure feel like it.' I admit.

'so, where have you been and what you been up to?"

I asked her, she was to quite for my liking.

She let out a sigh, as she played with her figures "It's nothing Brit," I just had to get away and clear my head, I told my brothers to tell you that I was going to go visit my grandparents, she looked around to make sure no one was listening, and I wanted to know what was up with her, 'and my son.'

"My mouth hung open, 'what do you mean your son," I ask trying not to get angry?

"I have a son, is name is Desmon and he's seven" she watches me closes for my reaction, when I didn't say anything more, she continued, 'When I was sixteen, I got pregnant, the same day I found out, my family sent me away to live with some friends and some family, just into the baby was born.

That is when I went to stay with my Grandparents, into my son was old enough so I could leave him with them.

It was too much information, to try and contain, I was still stuck on the part where she had a son.

"did you tell the father; I mean does the father know?'

No, my mother and father sent me away as soon as anyone found out, they told me that I shouldn't say anything especially to the baby father.'

"Why would your parents do that?'

'"I don't know, I just did what I was told."

I look at her really look at her, and I do not want to believe what my mind is telling me. "Who's the farther of your baby?" I asked thinking I already know the answer. She quiet, looking down at her hands,

"it's Drew isn't it?"

Chapter Thirteen 

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