Chapter 3

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Alexander took a deep breath before entering the car. Once inside, a strange sound reached his ears. It was laughing. He raised an eyebrow at the young CEO of Romano Electronics and he wasn't the only one.

"Oh come on. You can't think this isn't stupidly funny. The eight most powerful CEO's in the world are secret mafia members? No wonder they kept us around, Milena." Her sister snorted at those last words.

"I don't think it's funny. This lifestyle is dangerous. You saw what happened to our parents." Adrian spoke, running a hand through his hair nervously.

"Your father said you were prepared for this." Santiago smirked. "Doesn't seem like you are though."

"I was trained to become a sniper, yes. But I did not think I would truly have to use that skill. I did not think that from one day to the other I'd have lost my father and been thrown into this world." Adrien spoke sharply, arms crossed over his chest in a defensive manner.

"So what you're telling me is, you're scared." Alexander knew that Santiago was just trying to rile up Adrian.

"Watch it Castillo." snarled Adrian, leaning forward slightly. All the other's were watching the exchange with amusement. All except Yan-Ting, who was apparently trying to take a nap, and Alexander, who knew this would do no good for the team.

"Both of you better shut up or I'll throw you out of this car." Alexander's voice was low, sending a chill through the air.

"I'd like to see you try." Santiago sounded a bit less confident now.

"Do you really? Because it can be arranged, Santiago. One less mercenary won't hurt the team." Alexander looked straight into Santiago's eyes, challenging him. It was at that moment, that the group of adults realized messing with their leader would not be wise.

"Yeah, whatever." Santiago's attitude resembled a teenager's and it made a few people in the car laugh. Alexander almost sighed in relief, he didn't want to actually confront the mercenary who looked like he could bench press all of them at once.

"Look, if we don't want to die, we need to succeed in our missions and finish whatever this project is. And if we want to succeed we have to work as a team. A dysfunctional team causes nothing but casualties. Do you understand me? I also suggest we all at least try to get along, considering the fact that we'll all going to be living together." A choruses of yes sir rang around, excluding Yan-Ting.

"Yan-Ting." It was a warning more than a question but was simply answered with a middle finger.

"Damn it Yan-Ting, some kind of agreement would be helpful here." Yan-Ting was the one member of the team that was starting to get on Alexander's nerves the most.

"Fine. Yes. Agreed."

"Thank you."

"Wouldn't it be a good idea to introduce ourselves?" Adrian asked, only to receive a snort from Flavia.

"Yeah, let's just go around a circle like kindergartners and say our favorite color too," she rolled her eyes, "Although I am curious to know your ages." She wrapped an arm around Milena's shoulder and spoke, "Milena here is 25 and i'm 26. Your turn." She nodded to Sung-Ha who was sitting next to Milena.

"Same as you, 26." Sung-Ha's voice was silky and it always reminded Alexander of their first interaction.

"22." Nicholai was a man of few words, it appeared, but Alexander knew it was dangerous to judge him so quickly.

"I'm 23." Said Adrian, giving a small, awkward, smile. Flavia looked at Yan-Ting, expectantly. Feeling looks on him, he opened one eye and squinted at her.

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