Chapter 21

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 Alexander whirled around only to come face to face with a grey wall.

"What are you looking at?" Asked Flavia cautiously. Gabrielle didn't reply, didn't even move an inch, and Alexander felt a shiver run up his spine.

"They said she was schizophrenic. Maybe she's seeing something?" Murmured Adrian, giving Alexander a much needed answer.

"How about we take you away from whatever it is you're seeing? It looks like It's scaring you." The woman nodded, seemingly in a sort of trance. Nicholai removed her handcuffs and Alexander gently guided her to a standing position. She seemed to be barely registering what was going on.

"Hey! We need to go, we've been here too long and something feels off." Shouted Yan-Ting from upstairs. Nicholai, running out of patience, slung her over his shoulder and made his way back upstairs, the rest following. Gabrielle, although in a delirious state, was less than pleased with this development and proceeded to claw at Nicholai's back.

"Stop that." Growled Nicholai and Yan-Ting raised an eyebrow.

"I thought she would have come willingly."

"Apparently people from the previous dimension are idiots." Replied Flavia. Adrian and Alexander rolled up the carpet properly while the rest already made their way to the car.

"Shit! Alexander, Adrian, there's a car coming our way. Faster than it should be." Screamed Flavia and the two sprinted to the van, entering it on the opposite side of the incoming car. Nicholai had barely made it out of the driveway, tires screeching loudly, when gunshots echoed through the silence. Gabrielle fell off the seat, wrists and ankles having been unceremoniously tied so she would not get in the way. Nicholai was driving as fast as possible without losing control, cussing up a storm as the bullets dented the car. Alexander knew it was just a matter of time before they hit the tires. It was risky but their only chance and so Alexander grabbed his gun and lowered the window.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Asked Yan-Ting as Alexander looked out the window and shot behind them, hoping luck would be on their side. Nicholai took a sharp turn, the momentum causing Alexander to almost fall out the window.

"A warning next time!" Yelled Alexander as Adrian grabbed on to him. Nicholai grunted out an apology and Alexander was about to try again.

"Give me that, you're a shit shot." Growled Yan-Ting, snatching the gun from Alexander and held onto the outside of the car with the other hand. Three shots rang before Alexander saw the car go out of control and crash against a tree.

"Thank god." Sighed Alexander, only to freeze when he heard the sound of police sirens.

"Fucking hell." Nicholai was sweating, hands gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.

"Flavia, any ideas?" Asked Alexander, stopping Yan-Ting from shooting at the police.

"They probably have a picture of our car by now along with the number on the license plate." She spoke.

"Unhelpful." piped in Adrian.

"Shut up. There's a supposed run-down building that used to be a hospital about 20 miles from the first exit up ahead. There's another run down building next to like a big lake but we'd have to go back five miles and then take the exit. They can still find us because of the car though." She bit her lip hard, trying to figure out what to do.

"I'm dropping you off at the hospital building. Flavia crawl into the back and reset all the computers and chips or whatever. Just make it so there's no information left. Yan-Ting try to shoot at the tires." Nicholai didn't take his eyes off the road.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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