Chapter 7

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Alexander may have been a businessman but he still hated waking up in the morning. It took him forever and he was never completely functional until he drank his coffee.

"Rise and shine!" Came an annoyingly high voice. Granted, it was probably only annoying because Alexander was still half asleep.

"Alexander get up. Nicholai's already in the bathroom and we're all getting ready. That is all except Flavia, Yan-Ting, and you." Milena snickered, turning on the light in the room. The only response she got was a groan and the rustling of bed sheets.

"My god you're even worse than Flavia. Get up."

"Milena, not all of us are early birds like you." Came Flavia's voice, "I have coffee Alexander." He sat up slowly in his bed, running a hand through his hair and attempting to stifle a yawn.

"You do not look like you slept well." Commented Milena, receiving a smack from her sister.

"I didn't know what kind of coffee you liked, so I just left it black. There's creamer and-" Alexander nodded absentmindedly, drinking the coffee as quickly as possible, "Or you can just drink it like that." Milena gagged, looking at the cup in her leader's hand with hate.

"I don't understand how you can drink something like that." Flavia rolled her eyes, taking the cup from Alexander.

"Thank you Flavia. I'll be out in a moment." The two women nodded, closing the door behind them. Opening the closet, he picked out his clothes. Although he wasn't going out, Alexander still wore a suit. It was very rare for him to wear something that wasn't formal, unless he was sleeping of course.

"I'm don- Where are you going?" Nicholai stepped out of the bathroom. He had followed Alexander's orders and was wearing a pastel pink and grey hoodie with black jeans instead of formal clothes. Alexander had to admit he looked good.

"I'm not going anywhere, why?" He answered the question a bit late, Nicholai had definitely noticed Alexander staring at him.

"You're wearing a suit, that's why."

"It feels strange not to wear one." He got a funny look in response but decided to ignore it. Not long after, Alexander joined everyone in the living room. It was interesting to see everyone's individual styles. Sung-Ha was wearing a type of biker fashion with a leather jacket and black jeans while Adrian wore a collared black and white long sleeve shirt with a black shirt on top. Milena and Santiago seemed like twins. The female sporting a cropped, galaxy, QVV hoodie and matching sports leggings while Santiago wore black sweatpants paired with a tight QVV shirt. Since Flavia and Yan-Ting weren't going out, they were still wearing the clothes they had slept in.

"Good morning leader." Sung-Ha spoke, a small smirk forming on his face. Why? Alexander had no idea. The other's greeted him as well, some more enthusiastic than others.

"Good morning. Is everyone ready?"

"Almost." Spoke Adrian, watching Santiago eat his cereal as quickly as possible.

"Has anyone seen my glasses?" Asked Nicholai, looking around with a questioning look. Alexander narrowed his eyes at him, wondering if this was a joke but before he could speak up and say they were on his head, Milena elbowed him.

"Maybe you took them off in our mini-hospital while Sung-Ha checked your bruises?" She suggested, causing the younger to head that way. Not long after he came back, with his glasses on.

"Not a word." He spoke, causing Milena and Santiago to start laughing. Alexander shook his head, wondering how they already felt comfortable with each other. He still didn't fully trust everyone.

"Alright, so I'm going to guess you all got these earpieces, right?" Flavia said, holding up her own earpiece.

"What about them?" Asked Adrian.

"I'll be monitoring you through them if anything happens. These glasses and Nicholai's have a small camera built into them. That way I can monitor those in the car and whoever is going on their errands." Flavia spoke quickly, handing Sung-Ha the extra pair of glasses while Nicholai took his off and squinted at them.

"When did you take my glasses?"

"While you were sleeping." Alexander looked at her with wide eyes.

"Maybe we should start locking the door." Spoke Nicholai, echoing Alexander's thoughts but Flavia just shrugged. Soon enough, everyone was ready to go. It didn't take long for Flavia to figure out how to disable the maze from the control room, thankfully. Both mercenaries were itching to leave and they were making everyone else nervous. Inside the control room, Flavia had hooked up the speakers so she could clearly hear everything that was going on. Obviously she had to mute everyone's except Sung-Ha's. The group had only been in the car for five minutes and they were already fighting, more specifically, Santiago and Adrian were fighting. Over what? Alexander didn't know but it was probably some kind of nonsense.

"Shut up!" Yelled Sung-Ha. Alexander leaned in next to Flavia to watch the screens and was able to glimpse hands roughly yanking the steering wheel to the right. He had to guess Sung-Ha had taken a sharp turn to get the two to stop.

"I am going to turn this car around and make both Yan-Ting and Alexander come with us. Is that what you want?" Flavia coughed lightly, in an attempt to stifle her giggle. Silence followed his words and Sung-Ha sighed.

"Don't you have paperwork to do?" Asked Flavia, looking up at Alexander.

"I do but this is quite entertaining." He grabbed a chair from the other side of the room and dragged it over to Flavia, not forgetting to take one of the folders from the table just in case things got uneventful. He opened the one labeled Jobs and was surprised to find jobs planned out for this week already, starting the day after tomorrow.

"What?" Asked Flavia, noticing her leader's concerned stare.

"We have jobs to do. Starting on Wednesday." Flavia choked on her coffee, causing Alexander to awkwardly pat her back.

"Isn't that too soon? How the hell did you get us those jobs anyway? I've been keeping an eye on you the whole damn time." Flavia complained, exasperated at the idea of her leader already making plans.

"I didn't plan this out, I think my dad did before they all died. Please let my arm go your grip keeps on getting tighter." He winced, rubbing the place on his arm where a bruise was now forming.

"So what, can't you cancel them or move them to another day. Preferably next week?" Flavia was attempting to divide her attention between Alexander and the camera's, showing the group had made it to the grocery store.

"Oh yes, let me just cancel the deal we have to carry out with the Dragons and the job we have to do for some famous CEO. Damn it Flavia this isn't like some kind of staff meeting I can just cancel." He rubbed his temples, trying to figure out what to do.

"Well then, the only thing we can do is train today and tomorrow. There are simulations in the training room. We can do this. Okay?" She placed a hand on his shoulder, attempting to provide some kind of comfort. That moment was quickly ruined by her shouting at the microphone that she wanted a certain type of snack. A sigh escaped Alexander as he saw Sung-Ha getting a strange look from an elderly woman after telling Flavia to shut up.

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