Chapter 14

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Sung-Ha had avoided Adrian the whole rest of the day after he had so kindly offered to go with him and gotten Alexander of his back. Of course he appreciated the younger's help, he just had the sneaking suspicion that Adrian knew more than he let on. It was driving him insane, which is how he found himself awake at four in the morning, staring up at the ceiling.

"Oh my fucking god will you just shut up." Yan-Ting grumbled hoarsely.

"I didn't say anything!"

"I can hear you thinking." Yan-Ting sat up, his hair sticking out all over the place, eyes barely open. Sung-Ha muttered a small apology in response but it didn't seem to satisfy his roommate.

"Look Sung-Ha, just go talk to Adrian before you get a headache from overthinking." It took a small moment for Sung-Ha to process exactly what he had been told.

"How the hell do you know I'm stressed about Adrian?" Yan-Ting snorted, finally properly looking at Sung-Ha, one eyebrow raised.

"You were avoiding him like the plague yesterday. Everyone noticed, especially Adrian. He looked like someone had run over his pet, Sung-Ha." Sung-Ha felt the guilt bubbling up his throat and it seemed to show on his face but he still made no effort to move.

"Alright that's it." Yan-Ting got up, stumbling slightly but still making his way towards Sung-Ha. His delicate hands a contrast to the harsh way they dug into Sung-Ha's shoulders.

"You're going to get up, get ready for wherever it is you're going, and you will apologize to Adrian or so god help me." A small shove towards the bathroom assured Yan-Ting that the medic would do as told. Sung-Ha splashed his face with cold water, hoping it would wake him up and he'd find a way to get out of Yan-Ting's threat without having to talk to Adrian. Then he slapped himself lightly as he realized what a coward he was being. It took longer than it should have for him to get ready, his injury not helping much either. Finally, Sung-Ha walked out the bathroom door, hair still slightly damp.

"Good morning." The small mumbled phrase almost gave Sung-Ha a heart attack and he ended up doubled over, wincing as the stupid wound gave him trouble. Adrian was immediately next to him, sputtering apologies.

"I really didn't think I scared you that much." He spoke quietly after Sung-Ha laid down on the bed and closed his eyes, willing the pain to magically go away.

"I was on edge in general," Sung-Ha paused in an attempt to get his words together, "I'm sorry for avoiding you Adrian." The younger nodded but stopped Sung-Ha from saying anything else.

"Let's leave first. We can talk in the car." Adrian left the room, the lock automatically shutting the door. A wave of despair hit Sung-Ha out of nowhere. It left him gasping for breath, for someone's comfort. Every year was the same cycle. He'd try his best to shove away any and all thoughts about his mother but on her birthday they'd resurface with vengeance. The whole situation with Adrian had distracted him for a moment but when it was resolved all focus returned to her. With shaking hands, he pulled a box out from underneath his bed, hissing quietly as a stab of pain shot up his abdomen. Inside was a picture of him and his mother, a lighter, a couple of small candles, and a note. The box had been hidden in the garden on their estate, it was a part of the garden only his mother and him ever visited. It seemed a coincidence to twelve year old him but as he grew older the truth seeped in through the cracks.

"Pull yourself together." He whispered softly, lighting one of the candles and placing it on his nightstand along with the picture. Tears threatened to spill onto his cheeks but he refused, not wanting anyone outside of the room to see. Concealer and makeup wouldn't do shit against puffy, red, eyes. After watching the flame for a couple of minutes and muttering some small words, he packed everything back up. This time however placing the box under his pillow, knowing that Alexander wouldn't allow him out if he ripped his stitches open. At the thought of that a small smiled etched itself onto his lips. As much as he wanted to deny it, they had weaseled themselves into his heart. He almost dared to call the group a family of sorts. A dysfunctional family created through unwanted circumstances. With that thought in mind, Sung-Ha opened the door to his room.

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